In the beginning…

My first act upon coming downstairs this morning is to open the laptop and type this sentence. The momentous opening lines of my latest post. Not perhaps the greatest opening line in history. Edged by the likes of “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” for example. I daresay there are other famous opening lines but at this stage of the morning that’s the only one I can think of. 

No hang on. “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” I had to look that one up not being a regular reader of that historical tome but it is fairly well known generally. Certainly around where we live being so close to the cathedral. I wonder how many people could accurately quote the first sentence of the bible.

I am glad of the existence of said heaven and earth. By heaven I assume we mean the rest of the universe. A bit of a simplistic way of putting it but I guess when they wrote the bible they weren’t aware of the Andromeda galaxy or the Milky Way etc. Odd that they named a galaxy after a confectionary bar. A serious coup for the marketing department. That bit of sponsorship must have cost a bob or two.

Anyway I’m not rushing to have breakfast this morning. It will be poached egg on avocado toast but seeing as THG is off out to the Park Run there is no particular hurry. We are off to the open day at Aubourn Hall Gardens when she gets back. Nice to do things together yanow. I daresay it will provide her with inspiration for her role as head gardener at the Davies mansion.

I note that today is officially the last day of summer. This came as a bit of a surprise as I’ve been calling it autumn for some days now. It has certainly felt that way. I anticipate that tomorrow, on the first official day of the new season, the leaves will all decide to change colour and fall on the lawn.

In celebration of it being the last day of summer it has been decided that the barbecue will be fired up and some protein thrown on the griddle. To this end I have a shopping list that includes the line “your tea for tonight”. THG already has a piece of fish for herself but I will be opting for a non pescatarian alternative. Maybe a bit of lamb. Anyway v shall c.

I happen to have a fifteen pounds off when you spend fifty voucher for Waitrose that has to be used before the end of September. I don’t have fifty quids worth of stuff on the shopping list so the rest will have to go on wine which we’ve not been drinking much of but I daresay it will come in handy. What with Christmas being so close an all.

The shed doors remain open. This last day of summer remains summery. Season appropriate although we all know how wet a typical summer is in the UK. Might pop a waterproof coat in the car when we go out just because I’ve been around the block a few times.

I very much like the changing of the seasons. It is part of what makes life an interesting place to be.

Whilst drawing the curtains I looked out of the window and saw a brightly lit bus speeding by. I did not register how busy it was but (limited) experience suggests that at seven thirty pm with the bus headed away from the town centre there would have been few passengers.

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