where art collides philosoperontap

March 17, 2025

In the shed for eight twenty

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 9:36 am

In the shed for eight twenty this morning having finished breakfast. We were out of granola so I substituted it with oats. I am more active spending time in the shed than I was in the snug. I tend to get up and do more moving around plus there is always a reason to nip back to the house for something. Already done one of my exercises, the standing on one leg, whilst brushing my teeth. Efficient or what?

Eight or so camping chairs still in the shed awaiting putting back in their bags. At least I finally managed to trip the wire suspending the Tropical Trefbash sign from the ceiling. Had to order a pair of industrial strength wire cutters as nothing I had did the job. Ditto the ones Coops lent me. Got a great pair now that I’m sure will come in v handy next time I need some wire cutting. There is something very satisfying about having good tools.

Listened to both Shipping Forecasts last night plus a David Attenborough programme on fireflies. Living the dream. Didn’t make it to the end of the SF at 1am or whatever time it was. How do you expect me to remember at that time of day?

My cowd in da dose continues this morning so I have plentiful supplies of liquid to hand plus one of those large blue rolls of paper towels. Nose tends to get a bit sore with all the blowing. Not sure there is much that can be done other than to sit it out. Blow it out.

Meanwhile I have some work to do today. Getting some graphics done. Off to London next week and decided to head down the night before. I could have caught the seven thirty and just about made the meeting/conference but that early a start is just a step too far at the moment. A ten o’clock meeting in the shed would be alright 🙂 

Will be setting off for a walk in around thirty mins. Going to cross the pedestrian crossing, turn right down Lee Road, past Auden Close and on a bit further. Must make sure I am well wrapped up as it is cold out there. The northerly has swung round to become an easterly which ain’t any warmer. No gales forecast though other than in Trafalgar which is a long way away. Not talking Trafalgar Square ere.

Made sure I remembered to put a coat on for this morning’s walk. Crossed at the pedestrian crossing although I didn’t bother pushing the button as there was no traffic. Said hello to the vicar’s wife going the other way, past the bus stop and turned right at Lee Road and past the vicarage, past the house on the corner of Auden Close that we nearly bought after brexshit but our buyer pulled out. Dodged a bullet there as their heating bills would be ginormous in winter. Built the shed instead. Past the house we also looked at but decided not to go for and which had its roof missing for a year because the builder went bust. Past the Wheatleys and on to the Smiths’ whereupon I turned around and started back.

At that point Mandy Wheatley came out of their house and set off towards me wielding a card for someone. Stopped for a brief chat and continued my journey home. Eighteen minutes forty seconds. Slow going but Rome wasn’t built in a day. My goal for Thursday is to make it to the end of Lee Road whereupon I have a date with a cup of tea at the Whitbreads. Perfectly doable innit.

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