It is raining

It is raining. This is a good thing although the folk in Lincoln for this weekend’s Steam Punk Festival will be hoping for some sunshine. We are planning to trundle along and watch the parade on Monday. My swimming trunks and towel are still on the washing line from yesterday and still very wet. 

Sat in the conservatory waiting for my tea to brew. Absolutely no point in rushing a pot of tea. Most of you will know it isn’t just about the colour it is the depth of colour that brings with it the infused flavour. Effect. The conservatory is a relaxing place to be when it is raining. A good place for a cup of tea.

THG is off to the park run. Hard core. It’s a good job she doesn’t have to wear specs. Rain is always a hazard for us optically challenged individuals. She is preparing for a 5k run in Liverpool that ends in Anfield Stadium. Exciting. Problem is us support team are not allowed in the stadium itself. I’ll just have to shut my eyes and picture the scene. She will no doubt be able to imagine the roar of the crowd.

The day started with some of THG’s excellent homemade granola. Need to nip to a local market for some lunch supplies. The store cupboard is bare. Won’t need much. Some eggs, bit of cheese, ham. Simple things in life. Mind you I have some bacon to use up in the fridge (it wasn’t totally bare). Could chop a rasher up for an omelette.

You have to ignore the news. The other day it told me that having two slices of ham a day is bad for you. If you added all the things that are supposed to be bad for you up you wouldn’t eat anything which is also bad for you.

Yesterday I took delivery of a fruit crusher and cider press. Today is the first try out using some windfalls. The rain is an issue. I am likely to get soaked out there. I also don’t really have all the containers I need but we can work that one out as we go along. My technical adviser, a certain Adie Smith is away for a week so this weekend is very much going to be first toe dipped in the apple juice, so to speak.

Don’t typically drink cider or apple juice for that matter as I am on a keto diet and the stuff you get in the uk shops is nowhere near as good as it is in France, in my experience. However the home pressed juice will hopefully be an improvement. Soon find out.

Using a fitbit has been and interesting development. Lets me track things like sleep habits and resting pulse. I noticed that after a boozy lunch in London the pulse was a fair bit faster the next day. Back down now after a quiet night in. Information is power.

Btw the milkman came at oh four oh seven yesterday and left four pints as it is a Bank Holiday weekend and he won’t be coming on Monday. Fair enough. I wonder what he will do on his day off. Day out in Skeggy maybe? Or Cleethorpes. I keep thinking about doing a day out by train in Cleethorpes. If anyone is interested let me know.

Still raining. Fortunately it is fine at the cricket in Manchester. Can’t find my Tilley hat which is my go to rainwear. Don’t bother with a coat at this time of year. I do have quite a few coats but the season for most of them seems to go quite quickly. Those lightweight ones that are only any good for temperatures where shorts are no longer in play but we haven’t reached the woolly pully stage yet. 

I have some nice gear in that bracket. At least I think so. The kids have whipped some of it. The lads. There was the cashmere overcoat that was very warm and which occasionally got some use in winter. That now resides in London as does the denim Timberland jacket with leather collar. The natural order of things.

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