I’ve ordered a Fitbit Charge 6

I’ve ordered a Fitbit Charge 6. I did use a Fitbit years ago but stopped, partly because I don’t wear a watch and the fitbit irritated me by clanking against the keyboard, bedside table and other inanimate objects with hard surfaces. However with an important wedding next year to trim down for I figure I have to give it another shot.

I also use Myfitnesspal. My account last saw the light of LED somewhere around 2018. Six years in the wilderness including long periods where survival was more on our thoughts rather than weight loss. Milk chocolate hobnobs were an essential part of the survival process. Doubt the Charge 6 will arrive in time for me to go swimming this morning but no matter. 

I’m following a combination of the Fast 800 diet and the 5+2. This is because I have a life and there are occasions in life where 800 calories of low carbohydrate sustenance is not going to cut it. Tomorrow’s (long) lunch in London is one example as is half of next week when a visit to Trent Bridge will be followed by a weekend in the West Country. This coming Bank Holiday weekend should be ok though.

The next job on my to do list is to cancel my Vinci Autoroutes account and return the device that I’ve never used. I won’t bore you with the details but they are incredibly difficult to deal with. I tried cancelling a few months ago but their response said either I had to return their device or be charged for it. I figured it was a lot easier for them to just charge me than to faff about sending it back to France and informed them as such.

Now the annual “not used my account” charge has just been imposed and of course they haven’t charged me for the device which means the account is still open. This is despite emails from them saying that unless I uploaded proof of my identity they would cancel the account anyway.

This is in my mind going to take most of the afternoon, sigh.

Been out blackberrying again. Sbeen another fab year for them. The frustrating thing is there are loads more too high up to be able to reach. The birds’ share. Plenty of purple coloured droppings around the shed. Our avian friends clearly don’t know that blackberries are for crumbles with custard. Cold custard.

Now sat in the snug with ma phones on to avoid having to hear celebrity marseterchef. More specifically cheeky chappie Greg Wallace. As usual have never ‘eard of any of the celebs. I could go on marseterchef. I do a very nice ham, chips and peas 🙂. I saw John Torode in Smiths of Smithfield once. Must have been ten or eleven years ago because I was still at Timico.

Since You’ve Been Gone by Rainbow blasting away in my ears. Then Life in the Fast Lane. Sure to make me lose my mind.

Tis getting dark out and it isn’t yet nine o’clock. These things happen obvs. The natural order. I’m ok with it. Need to decide whether to wear shorts or jeans tomorrow. I’m headed to Laandan for a bit of a day out. I don’t normally consider longs until the clocks change but there is an autumnal feel about the place and I’m not sure I have a clean pair of shorts. Not ironed anyway though that isn’t a reason not to wear them.

I’m not taking my Macbook tomorrow but may well need to take a man bag as the one thing I do need on a day out in London is somewhere to keep my headphones which I typically use on the return journey. Half tempted to take the ipad to use to write stuff but the user interface is pretty crap for that sort of thing. Mind you our John is travelling back with me so I guess we could, err, you know, talk to each other. He will have his phones on being very musically oriented so perhaps I will take mine.

I did have some beats which would fit neatly in a jacket pocket but I donated them to THG who uses them for running so I’ll leave them with her.

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