where art collides philosoperontap

April 15, 2011

The Joke of the Dead Man Walking

Filed under: poems — Tags: — Dantiumpro @ 10:15 pm

Ridicule is most painful when

The joker and the joke are

One and the same.

Confessing a weakness

In every action:

This terrible self-parody,

An unintended act

By a clown who cannot cry.

Intaken air sometimes brings

The world in with it,

A punchline to the ribs

Released as a foolish whisper.

Death is full of ill-humour and,


Even the jester will not die laughing.

If the gallows man knows this gag

He’s not letting on

As he tightens the tie at his neck.

The crowd knows what follows

And herein lies

The predictability of a limerick life.

Cartoon cats never catch the bird,

While the coyote detonates


Yet again;

Did they write the script?

Self-contained comic stripped

Of dignity by the second page,

Stapled and folded over

Upon itself;

Apparently quite popular

With the condemned.

Tragic comedy

Is the dead man’s gift;

An artistic sacrifice without reward

Except for the comfort

Of soliloquy.

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