Lovely sunny autumnal morning

Lovely sunny autumnal morning out there. I wandered early to the shed but only to procure a teabag. We’ve used all the ones in the kitchen and I happened to notice one on my desk yesterday when alerted to the low levels of supply. 

You might think this is a strange item to have on your desk but it just happens to be left over from a couple of days where I decided to make tea in the shed as opposed to the kitchen. That did not last long although the kettle is still there on the floor in the corner behind the desk. Camping kettle.

The teabag is being saved for when I cook breakfast. THG has coffee so no competition for it although we could probs eke out two cups from the small teapot I use.

Unsurprisingly one of my jobs for today is now to go to a shop that sells teabags and refresh our stock. I have two options. One is to walk to Tesco and the other is to drive or cycle to Waitrose. The problem with Tesco is it is too big and I don’t like shopping there. Also too many people. Decision made then. Bike to Waitrose. The weather is nice for it. Not particularly warm but not cold either.

There is no rush. Waitrose doesn’t open until ten anyway.

Today we are going to sort out the tins of paint in the garage and pick the cooking apples.

Been to Waitrose and amazingly only got the three items on the shopping list: green beans, avocados and waitrose essential teabags. Was a bit worried for a while when in the tea aisle. They only seemed to have decaf essential teabags. Took me a while and a bit of staring to realise that I was actually in the decaff section. I cast my net around the corner and lo I beheld many boxes of the bags wot I sought.

Now I am back on the deck in front of the shed with a cup of newly sourced tea. There is plenty of entertainment on the deck this morning in the guise of falling leaves. I wrote a poem years ago entitled “I saw a leaf fall”. It is timeless. Never dates 🙂

I am wearing shorts but also a fleece just for that bit of comfort in the breeze. My shorts have taken a hammering over the summer months and I sense that some new pairs will need to be bought next year. The time to buy shorts is actually now in the end of season sales but there’s no point as I’ll be in a smaller size next year and don’t want to speculate or tempt fate. 

As far as I know the end of season sales could have already been anyway. They are probably getting their Christmas stuff out now. Aaargh.

Tins of paint sorted though not as many thrown as I might have hoped for. Lots of associated crap also chucked. Somehow we ended up with ten or more paint rollers. Also a fullish trug of cooking apples picked. After our swim THG is going to stick em in trays for storage whilst we watch the Liverpool game.

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