Milk has become an issue

Milk has become an issue. Well its absence has. We arrived home just after nine last night and had no opportunity to resupply. Restock. Renew. Replenish. There was, fortunately, enough for a cup of tea in bed first thing but that is all.

So I have two items on my shopping list for this morning: milk and “lunch”. The latter will be determined by what is fresh in the market. Tin of soup maybe 🙂

Otherwise it is good to be back. Good to be in your own bed. Shed.

I do appear to have a meeting scheduled for ten this morning. This somewhat clashes with the stretch and flex class THG and I like to go to together but I don’t typically put that in the calendar so didn’t notice the clash when I accepted the meet. Sokay. I have released my place so that another deserving but clearly less nimble fingered soul can benefit. You have to book early for these classes as the places all go.

Watched the Liverpool game on the train last night. First half anyway. Most of the second half in the shed. Swat sheds are for innit.

Milk is no longer an issue. We have been resupplied, restocked, renewed and replenished. Moreover I had a 50 pence off voucher for a two pinter so got it for 75p. What’s not to like?

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