I walked to the shed this morning through fine drizzle carrying my usual cup of tea. This is quite satisfying. It was definitely downward precipitation but not so heavy that I got at all wet or felt there would be any detriment to the tea. Even found time to pause at the raised bed to look for more onions poking through. Spotted one yesterday. No more yet although the leek seeds in the conservatory are germinating.
The momentum towards spring is growing (no pun intended). Not a headlong charge but it is certainly picking up the pace.
In the shed I received a text message from EE. If I stay within my current plan they will automatically double my data allowance. I just renewed my contract with a data allowance of 160GB. Now it is 320GB. I actually use maybe 5GB. They know what they are doing – that’s a totally free to them uplift
Nipped to Fosters butchers before lunch and purchaysed a gammon joint, some Lincolnshire dry cured beacon (pronounced in the dialect), pork belly for Sunday’s dinner and a rack of lamb. The lamb turned out to have more chops than I expected as I hadn’t realised that a full rack included both sets of ribs. We now have 12 lamb chops for Saturday night. Somewhat excessive for two of us. Not as if they were those small ones. These are chunky. French trimmed.
Back in the shed I can hear some banging going on in the allotments. The temptation is to pop out to see what’s going on but I am for now refraining.