Monday morning, apaz

Monday morning, apaz. Busy week ahead. 3 lane swimming sessions booked Monday to Wednesday and off to London for a meeting on Thursday. In between swims the jobs list should see some progress. Nothing too onerous. Bit of glueing, boxing up and moving apples. Maybe even a bit of garage tidying. 

The big thing for this week is that I’m starting research for my next book. It’s an idea that has been in the pipeline for a decade since doing some family tree research. The history of my  family on the Welsh side has very much reflected what has been happening in the world over the last two to three hundred years. 

This includes becoming tenant farmers, participation in the religious revival of the eighteenth century, the involvement in the woollen factory business during the industrial revolution and then when UK cloth manufacturing stopped due to cheap foreign imports we became coal miners and engineers. My father was the first in the family to get a University degree and I have been part of a modern technology revolution that is still very much ongoing. Bewilderingly so.

There is a lot of research still to do but figured this would be a good use of some of my time. The book is not going to be about my family but about what my family was doing in the context of what was going on in the world at the time.

You ain’t going to hear much more about this for some time but I thought I’d stick it out there at the start.

In the meantime I’ve also got to get the last trefbash launched. Will hopefully be good to go next week. Keep yer eyes peeled. 12th December. 2024.

No sooner had I posted the above and got dressed than I did the first job on the list. The magnetic door holder on the cupboard in the hallway where THG stores half her shoes was glued back in position. See it, sort it. 🙂

Then just as I was on my way out the back door to the shed with a pot of tea I heard a cry from upstairs. A big lorry had parked in front of our drive. Obvs we need to be able to get in and out to go to the gym and no sooner had I been alerted than I strode out to make enquiries. 

The young lad putting out cones explained that either Openreach or Virgin or simlar (they never got to know who) was about to undertake some fibre laying, presumably, up the road. Can’t be City Fibre as they’ve already done our road. Some time ago. The lad was putting up some temporary traffic lights. Would be gone by nine thirty so fine. The lights would still be there obvs but we will just need to keep an eye out on the traffic flows.

Anyway excitement over for now and I am in the shed. All is calm.

Productive enough day so far. Bit of glueing, bit of kindling chopping, a start made on my bench tidy for hanging tools, trip to the tip, meeting arranged for Friday afternoon (don’t want to overdo these things), apples packed and put away, 30 min swim. Not bad.

btw we found out why the dairy closed down.  problems recruiting staff. we got a letter. you can understand why. I wonder if our guy had left leaving them short of people.

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