where art collides philosoperontap

March 11, 2025

Mostly northerly winds

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 9:26 pm

Mostly northerly winds with a few easterly and westerly nudges thrown in according to the Shipping Forecast. Means it’s going to be cold again brrr. Thought about that brrr. Two rs or three. Went for three as you can see. These things matter. Not too many gale warnings. Viking and North Utsire if I remember right. Woteva.

My calendar entry for today says ‘write book”. It is a repeating entry every Tuesday. I do have a smidgeon of work to do as well but shouldn’t take more than 30 mins or so. Hour at most. In reality I’ve spent the last four weeks researching the book, being laid up as I have been. I’ve hardly scratched the surface. Will see how it goes innit. 

This morning the adventure continues and I plan on walking beyond the edge of the known world that is Queensway and going at least as far as the Curle Ave turning. Would be easier if it was warmer. Us cold blooded types perform better in the heat. I find it far easier to chill out on a lounger with a cold drink when it is warm than when it is cold enough to want to switch the heating on. 

Curle Ave and back is almost as far as a walk to the Bromhead. This is the Lincoln Hospital where I have the next physio appointment on Friday. It would be a serious win if I could walk there. See how it goze. I could take the shortcut through the cricket ground. It’s a nice route anyway although our manor is mostly scenic having as it does the Cathedral as a backdrop.

If I didn’t take the shortcut I could visit the statue of poet laureate Alfred Lord Tennyson and gaze down at the ruins of the Roman Eastgate. Probs won’t though there is a scenario where I could grab a coffee at the Lincoln Hotel. The Roman ruins are in its front garden. We live in a nice place.

It did take me a while to get used to Lincoln. The area is devoid of hills and moving here from Eryri as I did the absence of any scenery as such was strange. I’m used to it now. Lincoln is a bit of an oasis in a large expanse of flat agricultural countryside. We do have one hill known as Steep Hill. This is the edge of the glaciated valley of the river Trent, the other side being the Pennines.

Gotta go.

Sockless in the shed. Yes I have to admit I am sockless. Thought with my new found relative freedom of walking I’d be able to get my socks on myself but no. I’m still not allowed to bend my right hip more than 90 degrees and you try putting a sock on with that constraint. It’s the twisting it that is just as relevant and I’m defo not allowed to do that for another couple of weeks. I’m sure THG will help me when she gets back from swimming and weight lifting. If she has any strength left, which she will. A strong girl is THG.

Twas a v pleasant walk to the shed. Another beautiful morning although it is meant to cloud over at some stage. Still cold. Shed is toasty. Everything is calm and the birds are out enjoying the sunshine. Didn’t get the app out so you will have to assume they are a selection from those mentioned in earlier posts. Nowt exotic ere.

I can tell you that the shed is a little bit tidier after a flurry of activity this morning. Still needs a proper going over with duster and hoover and the floor needs mopping but it is a little better now that it was when I got here first thing (10ish). Still a bit of moving things around to do before the weekend. There’ll be fourteen of us or thereabouts squeezing in for Super Saturday.

17 mins round trip to Curle Ave and back. Keeping it steady. Included time taking a pic at the junction. Old geezer in green coat and hat whizzed past me on a blue mobility scooter. Swerved down onto the road to overtake and then back in again at the next driveway. Then a white haired chap with a walking stick, brown corduroys and a blue coat got onto the number 5 that pulled up at the bus stop just as I was getting to it. He brandished some card. I wasn’t sure whether it was a free bus pass type card or a payment card. I’ll have to wait 4 years to find out whether they give you cards to show your eligibility for free bus travel.

Back in the shed listening to tunes and the weather has turned from cold to orrible. Wet and miserable. At least the interior of the shed is warm and cosy.

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