my shopping list today

I thought I’d share my shopping list today:

Kebabs for Anne if they have em
Bread rolls
Breakfast stuff
Toastie bread
Nibbles (not nuts)

This does leave plenty of leeway as some of the items are quite vague or at the least, generic. For example when we say Booze do we mean a four pack of lager or something else. 

When I was buying some cheese (not on the list I know but essential for a weekend on a campsite) they were giving out shots of wine. I tried one. I rarely do this, believe it or not. On this occasion I was seriously impressed and bought three bots of Cairanne Cotes du Rhone. Only nine quid or similar. I very rarely buy French plonk.

I only bought cheese because I’d tried some of the Roquefort being sampled and was also impressed. Even better was the fact that it had 25% off which I hadn’t noticed until the assistant told me. While I was there I also bought some Epoisses.

The breakfast stuff I got from Fosters including dry cured back bacon and some smoked back. Essential supplies for a weekend away with the gang. We already have eggs, shrooms and tomatoes. The toastie bread is mostly for breakfast. It is multifunctional and can be fried, toasted or used for cheese and pickle butties on Saturday. 

Fosters didn’t have kebabs so THG is having chichen. Burgers are for moi. BBQ sat nite. Firepit. Banter. Bit of cheese.

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