NetUK1 day two has commenced

NetUK1 day two has commenced. Rob Barnes from Rolls Royce talking about “Secure by Design” nuclear power stations. V interesting fair play. 

Wonderful location. IET Savoy Place. We are in the Riverside Room looking out onto the Thames. I can see The Shard from where I am sat. Our Tom’s office. Chucking it down outside mind you.

She may be the chill that autumn brings.

On the northbound nineteen oh six direct train to Lindum Colonia. I have a gin and tonic and Meic Stevens on Spotify to keep me company. Baled out on my reserved seat in favour of the two unreservable end seats providing me with privacy and comfort and pole position for being served. The other three seats around the table were occupied. Far better off where I am now. I’ve ordered some crumpets.

Ysbryd y nos

Rolling patchwork of greens and yellows


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