noise coming from the allotments

Lots of noise coming from the allotments. I popped out yesterday or the day before and it was people from the council trimming the hedges. Hadn’t expected them to still be at it today. Might pop out there to take a peek later.

It is certainly disturbing the peace of this Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday morning (delete as appropriate). I’m sat in the conservatory in full sunshine with a fresh cup of tea by my side. There was a little drama as I tried to lift a coaster off the table to a position suitable to accommodate my mug but the varmint wouldn’t shift.

In the end a fish slice did the job. Turned out the coaster was stuck on with candlewax. No idea how that happened unless someone had put a candle on top of it. An unusual act in our house.

We do have a supply of emergency candles somewhere in the utility room or at least we used to. We have only ever had to resort to them once which was during one of our annual Christmas carol singing parties. Was the most atmospheric singsong we have had. Carols by candlelight genuinely due to a power cut. We rarely get power cuts nowadays. At this time of year we don’t need candles anyway as it is still light until quite late.

Milkman came at 03:01. V early. Can’t work him out. Maybe he varies his round times to avoid making it easy for ambushers. We still have a pint and a half in the fridge from Monday’s delivery!

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