Off to Trent Bridge

Ready bright and early. Off to Trent Bridge today and currently printing my ticket off in the shed. Taxi coming in half an hour. 8am.

It is a glorious morning with the forecast set to hit thirty one at the cricket so have my factor 50 sun hat wot I bought in Miami Beach and long sleeved safari shirt purchased for the African bush.  It is very lightweight and totally suitable for sitting in the sun all day. Shorts and sandals complete the outfit.

No shade in the Larwood & Voce stand although there is a bar at the back. It will be important to take in lots of fluids during the hot day ahead. Likewise a good breakfast is called for. We have a table booked for nine thirty. Gotta do these things properly innit.

The big question is whether the Windies will bat out the day. Recent form suggests otherwise but because I am also going to the match tomorrow I need this to happen.

Cmon the whites 🙂

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