Out and about early

Out and about early to take some books to the Oxfam store before the high street shuts to traffic. The dawn chorus was around 04:10. I’m not out and about that early. Just happened to hear the birds strike up, burst into song, greeting the new day, so to speak.

Avocado on sourdough toast with a slice of bacon for breakfast. Just happened to have the one slice left over from the weekend so it made sense.

Sold the trailer last night. It went within minutes of listing. One might argue that we made it too cheap but we are happy with how much we got for it. Better to get rid rather than hang around for the max price. It went to a family from Nottingham. Five kids. They really need a trailer and this is the perfect time of year to be shifting it.

Next up will be the bike rack I bought for the Land Rover Defender but never used! It’s a high quality job. Stay tuned.

Old white geezer with waist length white dreadlocks outside Lidl Boultham Park.

A sort of enjoyable evening for the David Briggs organ concert and talk at Lincoln Cathedral. Only thirty or so enthusiasts there. I went because it was a world famous organist playing at a world famous cathedral. 

Sat in the choir, St Hugh’s Choir. Over eight hundred years old. The wood had darkened with age and although not particularly comfortable the stalls were spacious. You felt a real sense of history sitting there.

The talk, about French organist Jean Langlais was interesting enough. I was sat next to some woman whose response to my humorous suggestion that the reason they had two screens was because they would be showing the football on one of them. Didn’t go down well. She was a snob. “Oh football no that would be terrible. I don’t watch stuff like that.”

Alright love. Not much of a sense of humour eh? I saw no reason to say anything to her after that. Her conversation with the bloke sat next to her, presumably her husband, gave the impression that they were serious organ buffs. Not my kind of people.

The concert after the talk was a mix of stuffI enjoyed and stuff I thought was just noise. Some of Jean Langlais’ own compositions were a bit grating. Anyway I thought I’d see it out. When Dave, (Briggsy?) finished he came out to a generally enthusiastic applause. 

The couple next to me decided to get the hell out of there “in case he decides to play another”. Says it all. Hey. I’m good.

Home now and rounding off the evening with a bit of football. There is a dead pigeon in the front drive and although on the CCTV I can see a magpie pecking at it I can’t see how it died in the first place. Usually around here it is a peregrine falcon.

Afore I go I should mention that on display in the cathedral is a long table made out of a five thousand year old tree that was discovered in a bog somewhere. V impressive. Historic. Go and see it if you can.

He came at 04:12 this morning. I was awake.

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