Bailgate News

October 26th, 2008

The Barley Mow

October 26th, 2008

I assume this was once a pub. All that is left is the sign.


October 26th, 2008

Duke William Hotel

October 26th, 2008

Methodist Church

October 26th, 2008

Home of the 18th Bailgate Scout Group. Spiritually supervised by the Rev Ian Brown. When the scouts come back from camp if the tents are still wet they spread them out to dry across the pews upstairs. It can get very steamy. The church is conveniently close to a few pubs. Handy if you have some spare time between dropping off at cubs and picking up.


October 26th, 2008


Will sell you a single screw if that is all you need.

Newport Arch Chinese Restaurant

October 26th, 2008

Newport Arch

October 26th, 2008

Apparently the oldest Roman arch that can still be driven under in the country.


October 26th, 2008


October 26th, 2008

The Turks Head

October 26th, 2008

Electric Sub-Station

October 26th, 2008

As you can just about see it is next to a Gents toilet. Never used it myself but I must go back and photograph it. The outside I mean of course! 🙂  

When Clocks Go Back – The Non Lie-In

October 26th, 2008

This clocks going back business is all very well but the artificial lie-in is just that. You lie in bed in the dark having woken up at your normal time, which is of course now an hour earlier than your normal time.


I can’t really drop back off to sleep so I lie there, wondering whether Anne is awake. I want to do something. Read a book or turn on the wireless set maybe. She gets annoyed if I talk to her because she believes that the extra hour is a real boon and should be taken advantage of. I don’t know if she is asleep or not.


There is a god-like element to the clocks being turned back. It feels as if we are controlling time. Life is a big illusion.

Food For Thought – 15th January, 2006

October 23rd, 2008



Bran flakes with semi skimmed milk & banana


Tuna & sweetcorn sandwich on brown bread with Satsuma and pear


Fillet steak with salad – lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber with olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing, mustard




Bran flakes with semi skimmed milk & banana


Waitrose sweet chilli Chicken fillets, bean salad and greek salad


Gammon steak with carrots, cauliflower & leeks in cheese and bacon sauce




Bacon roll, glass of milk


Ploughmans baguette with ham and cheese & crisps


Thai pork green curry with basmati rice



Bacon sandwich

Duck wrap with hoisin sauce and cheese and onion crisps

5 pints of stella, packet of peanuts and burger and fries



Mars bar, Lucozade, pint of milk


Hot cheese and onion baguette with mineral water


Latte and caramel shortcake


Big mac meal, 5 pints of timothy tailor landlord, packet of peanuts



Bacon sandwich with milk


Home made ham, beef and veg soup, french bread and cheese


5 pints of IPA, packet of peanuts

Turkey biryani, bottle of red wine

Mango chutney

Fruit with half fat fromage frais 



Bacon sandwich, glass of milk


Chicken wrap, salad – lettuce, cucumber, tomato and spring onion, parma ham, gammon ham

Banana & grapes


Roast pork

Roast potatoes in goose fat

Carrots, parsnips, peas

Fruit with half fat fromage frais

Dear Rhod

October 23rd, 2008


30th November 2002.

Dear Rhod,


Happy birthday old boy.  Somehow though “Oh no five oh!” doesn’t sound as bad as “Oh no four oh!”.  Perhaps it’s because when you hit forty you are finally leaving youth behind.  Being in your thirties is only one step away from being twenty nine so forty is really a watershed.


So what about fifty then?  Does it feel as if it is the slippery slope to old age?  Have you started to think of retirement?  You could do quite legitimately now you know?  Will your cricketing be creakier?  Will bowling be a more sedate underarm “end” or two?  At least they wear whites for both types of bowling.


There are likely to be financial benefits.  You may become eligible to go on SAGA holidays.  It would be worth checking out wouldn’t it? Of course taking the kids along might prove to be a problem but what the heck.  Also I’m sure some insurances might be cheaper because you are officially recognised to have arrived a sensible and low risk age.  Medical insurance will probably go up but being in the trade I’m sure you don’t need to bother.  There will always be a mate somewhere who’ll fix you up with a hip replacement,  set of teeth or zimmer frame.


Did you realise that you can now buy all those labour saving gardening tools that stop you having to bend down.  No-one will laugh at you for buying that long handled weeding tool.  In fact you will probably get a rush of attractive young shop assistants eager to help you out and maybe even carry things to the car for you. (hmm – in B&Q, perhaps not).


At fifty is is also quite possible to be seen as a patriarchal figure.  In your forties you are too young.  This is impressive Rhod.  The rock around which the community is built.  Wragby will have a very strong pull knowing as you do that that township needs your steady hand and guiding influence. We are not just talking medical matters here.  The colour scheme for the new village hall. The siting of the next park bench.  It must be hugely satisfying to be in a position that allows you to have so much influence to the good.  It fits in very well with your vocation. Respect.


I only hope that you will be able to resist the pull and stay with us here in lincoln.  There again the choice is yours and I’m sure that you will do whatever is right.


The next big one will be your sixtieth!  Gosh!!


Best Wishes,
