where art collides philosoperontap

December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve 2024

Filed under: diary — admin @ 9:40 am

Christmas Eve. I realise it’s stating the bleeding obvious but I wanted to get it out there. Reinforce the point, sort of thing. Get it off my chest. Not that I’ve been suppressing it and now I’ve said it feel an enormous sense of release. You will just have to accept it for what it is. Christmas Eve.

For some there will be the realisation that omg they haven’t bought the present yet. Not here son, not here (blows on fingernails and rubs against shirt). There have been ‘incidents’ in the past like the year we agreed not to buy each other presents but THG sneakily got me one but I hadn’t got her one. Aaaagh. We stopped that nonsense and get each other prezzies.

Doesn’t mean to say you can’t find that little extra. Sgonna depend to some extent on the traffic sitch. There has been a constant flow of cars into town. Must be chaos down there. Don’t like going downtown at the best of times. Was bad enough going to Waitrose yesterday.

There will almost certainly be something left until the last minute so that it stays fresh for tomorrow. Croissants for example. I realise they should ideally be eaten on the day of purchase but they are easily refreshed in the oven. More milk. There are seven of us in the house so the milk levels go down a lot more quickly than usual. Bound to be other stuff I’ve missed.

The veg prep mostly gets done today. That’s not my department although I am charged with doing the roast potatoes as I am the master of that particular dish. I don’t peel the spuds though.

I am also responsible for ensuring the meat arrives at the table on time and perfectly cooked. For the beef that means pink in the middle. No shoe leather in this house mate. There will be two different gravies: beef and turkey.

Moved to the laptop now. A much more productive instrument for writing.

The last minute shopping list at the moment looks like this:

Croissants and pan au choc
Birthday card for Tom (he isn’t on Facebook so I’m safe to discuss here)
Coffee grounds
Cocoa powder

If I add anything else I’ll let you know, obvs. Natch.

This afternoon follows a pattern. We typically end up in the pub for early doors but I’m going to make that call nearer the time. The kids will defo go. There will be some pressure on me to do the same but not sure I want to this year. December has been such a full on partying month and we still have to get through Christmas Day and The Feast of St Stephen. Then it’ll be the Feast of St John the Evangelist, Feast of the Holy Innocents, Commemoration of St. Thomas Becket. A couple of days break that incorporates New Year’s Eve so not really much of a break before we pile into the Feast of the Circumcision and the Forefeast of the Theophany (Epiphany). Wonder what they traditionally do on the Feast of the Circumcision? Saturday 4th Jan is lunch before the game at the rugby club and then the Sunday is Twelfth Night which is really when the serious austerity and dieting begins.

In the meantime I have to nip to the shops. Milk doesn’t just appear in the fridge by itself yanow.

Oh and Happy Christmas everyone. I hope all your dreams will come true and that you don’t forget me in your will 🙂

December 23, 2024

Christmas Eve Eve

Filed under: diary — admin @ 4:01 pm

Meat run this morning. Hard to know when to go. There is going to be a queue. Ribs of beef, turkey breast or crown, back and streaky bacon and spicy Lincolnshire farmhouse sausages. Ham maybe. I like to cook a ham but we will already have a lot of food in. See how it goes.

Might go before breakfast. 

Meat run lasted the 3 mins it took to drive there and 3 mins back. Mahoosive queue around the corner and down the road towards the Dog and Duck and nowhere to park. I’ll go back later when I’ll be more amenable to queuing.

At home, pancakes are being prepared in the kitchen. Our John is short order chef for the day. I have requested a side of streaky bacon with mine. Maple syrup and berries. Fair play to him.

I must say the pancakes were great. A fresh pot of tea is now a brewing. The kitchen is getting busier. Busyness. Busy busy busy. 

At some stage I’m going to have to psych meself up to going to the butchers again. I’m afraid I’ll just have to queue. Finding a parking spot is more of an issue. Also have stuffing to finish off. Like to get some of these jobs done well in advance. Mind you tomorrow is Christmas Eve so it isn’t that far in advance now.

Meat queue from arriving to getting back in car was 35 mins. Could have been worse. They had at least ten people working in the butchers. Back home we kissed goodbye to my sister Sue who was up for the Morning Star carol session and I set to making the stuffing. 

I have to say the stuffing is looking great: one rubbishy white loaf chopped into small bits, a few white onions ditto, chopped dried apricots, fresh sage, rosemary and thyme, chopped smoked back and unsmoked streaky bacon (whatever we had handy) and a wodge of butter chopped into small chunks. Forgot to put pepper in bit it won’t matter. Can still add some on the day.

We are mainly having beef and the turkey is just a smallish bit of breast for those who look upon it as traditional on the day so there is nothing to stuff. However we all like stuffing and I imagine everyone will have a slice of turkey to justify it.

Normally I make the pigs in blankets myself but the packs of premade ones in Fosters looked good so I bought a couple and cut down on the sausage and streaky bacon order (not much).

So today I have a titchy bit of shopping to do for that someone special but otherwise fairly chilled afternoon ahead of me. Festivities are mostly over and from our on it is all about family. Those of them who aren’t out on the lash with their old school chums anyway which could be a majority 🙂 It is no different to when I used to go home to the Isle of Man at Christmas. Everyone would be back so you would be out most nights in Douglas, or The Crosby which was the nearest pub to our house a mile and a half walk away.

Coming home from The Crosby was always an interesting experience. The first part was along the main road/TT Course but the second half was up a back lane with no lights. The only way of not veering off the road in the pitch darkness was to walk up the middle where you could feel the camber on either side. As you got nearer the entrance to Ballagarey Road lights started to appear so it was all ok from there on.

My god. Waitrose. Cars queueing to get in, mainly because of having to wait for other cars to reverse out n stuff like that. I got the last trolley and one of the few remaining scanners. Did get everything I needed this pm but the queue for the self scanner checkout was halfway down aisle 5!! Apaz it was worse if you didn’t do self scan.

Reminds me of the queues for NYE at the millennium. In those days scanners were new. The queues at the checkout stretched down two aisle halves for each till. In other words to the back of the shop. There were no queues for the self scanners. Defo made me a bit smug.

Anyways back to an empty house and some chill time. No wait I need to check we have fondue fuel!

December 22, 2024

Morning Star Carol session

Filed under: diary — admin @ 4:03 pm

The big day has arrived. Another big day. There are lots of them. This big day is the annual Morning Star carol session. A not to be missed banger where we sing all my fave carols accompanied by lots of beer (warm Guinness) and mince pies. 

Jacket potahtoes flunch today. Keeping it simple. Choice of toppings. Quite like beans meself though it does depend on the mood or the occasion. A jacket can form part of a dinner where something a little more savoury might be appropriate. A sauce of some sort. Gravy like. With a knob of butter. Anyway today it will be beans for me and I did hear others mention cheese and Coleslaw. I might even add a sausage. Living the dream. Then I won’t want much before heading to the Star. 

Now up and at it in da kitch. Our John is back from Berlin and also already up.

4th Sunday in advent today btw. I realise you already knew that. Probably lit your candle and  opened your advent calendar to retrieve the chocolate/whisky miniature/plastic scale model of the Virgin Mary. Is that a thing? For the devout perhaps. 

I’ve never had an advent calendar. I’m not looking for sympathy. Not sure it was a thing when I was a kid. I have had chocolate and a whisky miniature. Not when I was a kid. Obvs. The whisky that is. Actually our one annual tipple as a kid was a bottle of Babycham each on Christmas Day and maybe also Boxing Day. Disgusting stuff. Tried it a few years ago for old times sake.

There are noises off. Upstairs. Not sure this is just THG and Berliner John. I’ll nip upstairs in a bit. To check.

So this morning whilst THG is at her usual devotions in church, made extra special by the advent thing, I will be out and about sourcing more provisions and maybe even a small gift for that special someone. We keep thinking of new things to add to the shopping list. Hoping they will have had a new delivery of Epoisses.

My 2024 shopping list is drawing to a close. In January I will start a new one entitled Tref’s Shopping List 2025. Obvious really. You might be able to guess the name of the 2024 list. I never delete things off the list. Just add new dates and line items. It doesn’t represent a comprehensive guide to what I’ve bought over the year as things often appear in the trolley that aren’t on the list but it is part of my series of historical documents. Ditto Tref’s Jobslist 2024 etc. You might have to wait until I am dead and gone before gaining access but that is simply the way of things.

Anyway see ya at the Morning Star later, maybs. Ciao amigos.

Today’s banging tune is at the request of Guy Osborne. I do try to accommodate requests wherever possible.

We wish you a merry Christmas x3
And a happy new year!

Good tidings we bring to you and your kin;
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Now bring us a figgy pudding x3
And bring it us here!

Oh we won’t go until we’ve got some x3
So give it us here!

Oh we all like figgy pudding x 3
So bring it out here!

At ten fifteen this morning, on the 4th Sunday of advent (as you know) Waitrose was totes chaos. I left the main wine shop until tomorrow where they will hopefully have had another delivery. Ditto epoisses. The lady behind the deli counter said she had ordered some but it hadn’t arrived yet. Bought some brie as a backup.

Home by elevenish. That’s enough gadding about for now. The house is a hive of activity.

Back after another great carol session at the Morning Star. Biggest crowd we’ve ever had. Some guy said he’d come from Boston because he had heard how good it was 🙂 V satisfying. It was quite emotional really especially towards the end when everyone stood up to sing O Come All Ye Faithful and Hark The Herald Angels Sing. Two absolutely banging tunes.

Thassit now for public engagements for the year 🙂 Hereon it is all about family although the family was there tonight. The lads have shot off drinking in the Bail or simlar. The great thing is that I am pretty sure the kids will continue the carol singing tradition long after THG and I are gone. They all make sure they are home for it. Very satisfying.

Home now to a warm house. Might have a nightcap in a bit. Once I’ve finished left handed typing this post. I’m sprawled on a sofa in the front room. There are sounds of conversation emanating from the snug but I can’t quite hear what is being said.

If you were there, thanks for coming. If you didn’t make it you missed a great night. The cold shouldn’t put you off.

December 21, 2024

Shortest Jour

Filed under: diary — admin @ 4:04 pm

The shortest day. Feels significant. Doesn’t normally. Perhaps I’m getting (even more) philosophical in my old age. At this time of year i have deeply meaningful thoughts and wax lyrical about the turning of the year.

When you think about it New Year’s Eve shouldn’t be on 31st of December but today. Tomorrow is when the new year really starts. Today our feasting officially commences. All the parties and meals of the past couple of weeks have just been the warm up act. Yesterday’s Waitrose shop was mostly to secure provisions for tonight’s meal. Only Hannah and George will be missing. They wind their way north tomorrow in time for the Morning Star carol session. 7pm onwards if yer interested. Book early.

Still need to get the meat and veg for the big day, plus some epoisses. Waitrose was sold out of the stuff. Wot. And some more plonk. Funny how the level of supplies goes down very quickly with a houseful. When they were kids it was just Ribena. Now it’s red wine. And the gin, and beer etc. Plus bread, ham, milk, all the staples. It’s as if they don’t eat where they live and save themselves for when they get back to the mothership. Not complaining. We love it.

In the meantime the shed has been filling up with Davies men, or lads as they are called when watching the darts. Last year we had a Davies lads trip to the darts at Ally Pally. Carnage. Has to be seen to be believed. You only need to go once and I won’t be bothering again. Great night out though.

THG just reminded me that Just William normally makes an appearance on the wireless at Christmas. We love listening to Just William. They aren’t books for children. They are written for adults. The writing is just sublime. I remember reading the books to the kids at bedtime to loud guffaws. Not the way to get them to go to sleep really.

Another tradition is to listen to Nine Lessons and Carols from King’s College Cambridge on Christmas Eve. The essence of Christmas. The ending of the service is usually the prompt to head to the Morning Star. We are early doors types and going early means we are more likely to find a seat. Gets rammed.

Today’s carol is The first ‘Nowell!’. A real banger that people put their hearts into. You need to hold back on the harmonies until the last verse. I’ll assume you know to sing the refrain at the end of each verse. It is quite a long one and I’m not sure we sing every verse but this version, as is the case for all the carols posted here, comes to you direct from the pages of the New Oxford Book of Carols.

The first ‘Nowell!’ the angel did say
Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay;
In fields where they lay keeping their sheep,
On a cold winter’s night that was so deep.

Nowell! nowell! nowell! nowell,
Born is the King of Israel.

They looked up and saw a star
Shining in the east beyond them far;
And to the earth it gave great light,
And so it continued both day and night.

And by the light of that same star
Three wise men came from country far;
To seek for a King was their intent,
And to follow the star wherever it went.

This star drew nigh to the north-west:
O’er Bethlehem it took its rest;
And there it did both stop and stay,
Right over the place where Jesus lay.

Then did they know assuredly
Within that house the king did lie;
One entered in then for to see,
And found the babe in poverty.

Then entered in those wise men three,
Full reverently upon their knee,
And offered there, in his presence,
Both gold and myrrh, and frankincense.

Between an ox-stall and an ass
This Child there truly borned was;
For want of clothing they did him lay
All in the manger, among the hay.

Then let us all with one accord
Sing praises to our heavenly Lord
That hath made heaven and earth of nought,
And with his blood mankind hath bought.

If we in our lifetime shall do well
We shall be free from death and hell,
For God hath prepared for us all
A resting-place in general.

Spuds, sprouts, peas, carrots, large white sliced loaf, onions, fresh sage & thyme, butter, eggs, celery

Mildly embarrassed to say that at ten thirty five ey em I’ve just finished breakfast and cleared up and am still in my pyjamas. Two of the occupants of the house have left separately for retail activity and I hear some movement upstairs that suggests I may shortly be joined by the third. During the course of the day we are expecting two further revellers to turn up. All good.

Soon after I wrote that the retail therapists returned and the kitchen is now a hive of activity. Preparations have started for tonight’s gourmet feast. My only involvement has been to pay for the ingredients which weren’t particularly cheap. I can’t complain as I am partially responsible for their upbringing.

The shed, this afternoon, is warm and cosy and indeed a haven of calm from the hive of activity that is the kitchen. THG and I off to the Cathedral in an hour or so to hear Benjamin Britten’s A Ceremony of Carols. Not heard of it before so blasting it out in the shed to get in the spirit. Well one doesn’t actually blast out Benjamin Britten’s A Ceremony of Carols does one but you get the idea. Whether I’ll be able to sit still for ninety minutes is another issue. Will find out soon enough innit. 

Sounds v good in the shed fair play. Relaxing. Hoping I won’t nod off listening to it. It’s in the Chapter House so quite an intimate backdrop. Will probs need to wrap up well. They don’t have double glazing in there. I suppose the candles will warm the place up a bit. Better to use real candles than switching your phone’s torch on like they do in big gigs. More atmospheric, certainly more appropriate and definitely warmer with the added benefit that it won’t drain your phone battery. Remind me to switch my phone off. Don’t want distractions innit.

December 20, 2024

shortest day innit

Filed under: diary — admin @ 9:35 pm

The shortest day. Feels significant. Doesn’t normally. Perhaps I’m getting (even more) philosophical in my old age. At this time of year i have deeply meaningful thoughts and wax lyrical about the turning of the year.

When you think about it New Year’s Eve shouldn’t be on 31st of December but today. Tomorrow is when the new year really starts. Today our feasting officially commences. All the parties and meals of the past couple of weeks have just been the warm up act. Yesterday’s Waitrose shop was mostly to secure provisions for tonight’s meal. Only Hannah and George will be missing. They wind their way north tomorrow in time for the Morning Star carol session. 7pm onwards if yer interested. Book early.

Still need to get the meat and veg for the big day, plus some epoisses. Waitrose was sold out of the stuff. Wot. And some more plonk. Funny how the level of supplies goes down very quickly with a houseful. When they were kids it was just Ribena. Now it’s red wine. And the gin, and beer etc. Plus bread, ham, milk, all the staples. It’s as if they don’t eat where they live and save themselves for when they get back to the mothership. Not complaining. We love it.

In the meantime the shed has been filling up with Davies men, or lads as they are called when watching the darts. Last year we had a Davies lads trip to the darts at Ally Pally. Carnage. Has to be seen to be believed. You only need to go once and I won’t be bothering again. Great night out though.

THG just reminded me that Just William normally makes an appearance on the wireless at Christmas. We love listening to Just William. They aren’t books for children. They are written for adults. The writing is just sublime. I remember reading the books to the kids at bedtime to loud guffaws. Not the way to get them to go to sleep really.

Another tradition is to listen to Nine Lessons and Carols from King’s College Cambridge on Christmas Eve. The essence of Christmas. The ending of the service is usually the prompt to head to the Morning Star. We are early doors types and going early means we are more likely to find a seat. Gets rammed.

Today’s carol is The first ‘Nowell!’. A real banger that people put their hearts into. You need to hold back on the harmonies until the last verse. I’ll assume you know to sing the refrain at the end of each verse. It is quite a long one and I’m not sure we sing every verse but this version, as is the case for all the carols posted here, comes to you direct from the pages of the New Oxford Book of Carols.

The first ‘Nowell!’ the angel did say
Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay;
In fields where they lay keeping their sheep,
On a cold winter’s night that was so deep.

Nowell! nowell! nowell! nowell,
Born is the King of Israel.

They looked up and saw a star
Shining in the east beyond them far;
And to the earth it gave great light,
And so it continued both day and night.

And by the light of that same star
Three wise men came from country far;
To seek for a King was their intent,
And to follow the star wherever it went.

This star drew nigh to the north-west:
O’er Bethlehem it took its rest;
And there it did both stop and stay,
Right over the place where Jesus lay.

Then did they know assuredly
Within that house the king did lie;
One entered in then for to see,
And found the babe in poverty.

Then entered in those wise men three,
Full reverently upon their knee,
And offered there, in his presence,
Both gold and myrrh, and frankincense.

Between an ox-stall and an ass
This Child there truly borned was;
For want of clothing they did him lay
All in the manger, among the hay.

Then let us all with one accord
Sing praises to our heavenly Lord
That hath made heaven and earth of nought,
And with his blood mankind hath bought.

If we in our lifetime shall do well
We shall be free from death and hell,
For God hath prepared for us all
A resting-place in general.

essence of kumquat

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 9:31 am

First item on my shopping list today is essence of kumquat. I don’t really expect to be able to buy some from waitrose. It’s just one of those joke ingredients I chuck in whenever I’m feeling a bit playful. Google it though and such a thing does exist. They use it in the making of orange liqueur n stuff like that. I have no need for it and won’t really be buying any.

Gonna do a biggish shop today though. After yesterday’s experience of Fosters having no beef bones left I figured I’d better get in early to Waitrose. Not that we will be going there particularly early. I won’t have the car before around eleven thirty. Just one of those things you have to put up with when you decide to not have your own car. Could get a taxi I know but it isn’t a biggie to wait until eleven thirtyish. Hopefully.

Just realised it’s a Friday. Feels like a Saturday.

Anyway got the shopping in. No EoK natch. No Epoisses in store so will need to source elsewhere. Me n Jose wandered round Waitrose bumping into people we know. The back of the shopping is broken, so to speak. Meat to get from Fosters on Monday and a few bouteilles plus a veg shop which THG is sorting.

Large turkeys in Waitrose were going for over a ton. Not bought one in years but I seem to remember paying sixty pounds or so. Gosh. Blimey. Wasn’t in the market for a large turkey anyways. Did make my annual purchase of TUC crackers. What’s not to like?

Chillin now in da shed before heading to the Strugs for the annual sole traders Christmas do.

December 18, 2024

a bit of toast, half a grapefruit and a cuppa

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 11:17 am

7.30am. Still dark out but it feels as if I should be getting up. However it is still dark out so I am being offered no encouragement. 

Eventually made it downstairs to a bit of toast, half a grapefruit and a cuppa. The simple things in life. Good job I bought some more marmalade yesterday as we are now down to less than a scoop and that will have to be scraped from the bottom of the jar. #importanthingsinlifeyouneedtoknow

We did make marmalade once, some years ago now. I remember it taking ages to reduce to a state where it would set and then we made the mistake of putting it in large kilner jars. It would dry out before we finished it. Not made any since. They sell it in Waitrose. Marmalade.

Now waiting while the wind blows. Waiting for the storm to move on. We need to set a mainsail. Foreign lands to explore. Islands to discover. Flags to flutter. Fish to catch. Rum to drink. 

A sailor’s life is supposed to be a hell of a lot of fun, but when you’re a sailor take it from me you work like a son of a gun.

The wind today is largely WSW. Near enough prevailing. I have no particular use for this information. In the days of sail the wind direction was important. It feels right to know what the prevailing wind direction is. I learnt it in primary school in Wales.

In those days it rained every Sunday afternoon. Probably other days as well. Don’t remember it snowing much, even at Christmas. Those Christmases have shaped how we celebrate the occasion today. I chose the word ‘occasion’ rather than festival, or birthday of Christ. Whilst the purpose nowadays is indeed to celebrate the birthday I doubt many people dwell on the religious aspect. It’s a story that has always been there. We eat and drink too much and give each other presents.

Silent night! holy night!

Silent night! holy night!
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child;
Holy Infant so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace!
Sleep in heavenly peace!

Silent night! holy night!

Shepherds quake at the sight;
Glories stream from heaven afar,
Heavenly hosts sing: ‘Alleluia!
Christ the Saviour, is born!
Christ the Saviour, is born!

Silent night! holy night!
Son of God, love’s pure light,
Radiant, beams from thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus, Lord, at thy birth!
Jesus, Lord, at thy birth!

December 17, 2024

Married to a scouser

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 11:14 am

It’s ten to five, it’s dark, and I’ve only just started putting pen to paper. The use of that phrase seems appropriate even though neither pen nor paper are involved. Everyone understands. I assume. I guess there could be gen z types who have never picked up a pen who will remain ignorant but they are not the target readership.

In reality I don’t have a target readership 🙂I write this stuff for meself and post on Facebook and philosopherontap just as “well someone might want to read it” kind of thing. No idea whether anyone reads philosopherontap. I don’t monitor site visits. It is my legacy that will eventually disappear, like we all do. The wayback machine may preserve it.

Things like visitor numbers used to be important to me but they ain’t no more. Not since a long time ago. trefor.net peaked at 27k unique visitors a month. It was of its time. You might ask why did I stop writing the blog when it attracted that level of readership. Reality is I kind of retired and figured that poetry and creative writing was far more important than packets. Still do. It is really a diary with a few bits thrown in just for kicks.

I’ve kind of retired at least twice. Now I just do stuff I like doing. At the mo I’m drinking a gin and tonic in the shed and listening to The Clash. Might watch a bit of Band of Brothers before going in and cooking the curry that’s in the freezer. 

THG would approve. Of the curry that is. From the freezer. She thinks I’m far to wasteful and is probs right.  I bought the Waitrose Chichen Jalfrezi because it was reduced so cheap, ish. It isn’t as good as the Charlie Bigham Chichen Jalfrezi but like I said it was cheap. We all like a barg. 

Note the Liverpudlian accent on the pronunciation of the word chicken. That’s THG’s influence. She is from around there.  Eermknowworrameanlike. Lob scouse, Anfield, Liverbuilding, Ferry across the Mersey, The Beatles.

December 16, 2024

Paul McCartney

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 11:12 am

Ten to midnight and we were back in our hotel room. What an evening! Planned for months. He didn’t disappoint. 

The Beatles and subsequently Paul McCartney have provided the musical backdrop of our lives. I recall listening to them on the wireless with mam at the age of about seven or eight when we lived in Cardiff. When I was at school I bought the complete set of singles. Might have been the number ones. John Lennon died during my first year at university. I woke up on the morning of my 19th birthday to the news and took the day off classes to listen to the back to back Beatles broadcast all day. 

I have most of the albums and many by Wings and have now seen Macca four times. Might be five. This gig will probably be the last we will see. At the age of 82 he has outlived most of his contemporaries. A real feat of longevity considering the sex and drugs and rock and roll age in which he flourished. There is hope for us all.

You can see why he still does it. Firstly he recognises a real clamour from his fans to see him perform. There was a bloke in the crowd at his 134th PM gig.  Then there is the huge outpouring of love from the audience directed directly at him on stage. Twenty three thousand people singing his songs. Cheering. He was visibly affected. I was affected. Everyone was affected. 

We had great tix. Row 12. Maybe 25m away. Just over the length of a cricket square. The sound was fantastic. The visual presentation amazing. I wish I could offer better adjectives. All a work of art. The fireworks and pyrotechnics for Live And Let Die had to be seen to be believed. You couldn’t have imagined it possible on an indoor stage. 

That’s enough gough. Nananananananaa. Let it be. We went back to our hotel tired but happy.

THG and I go our separate ways this morning. She heads west to Liverpool to visit family and I east to recover from five full on days of partying. Truth be told, when left alone at home it is unlikely that I’ll be having quiet nights on the sofa. There will probably be wine…

Before then, stopping off at the field of Sheff for a spot of lunch with Andy and Will. Catch ya later.

The sound of the trams. Clank n hoot.

I suppose before the advent of the laptop I’d probably have sat on a train reading the paper, or conversing with fellow passengers, were they amenable or interesting. Both. In the 1st Class carriage on the Liverpool Lime Street to Cleethorpes Trans Pennines Express there is nobody else to talk to. I do have a book but I’ve already read it a few times and can’t be bothered for the moment

Earlier, coat clad commuters scurried by the window of the hotel breakfast room bound unsmiling for their place of indenture. Inside the restaurant I passed a table a few times where two businessmen discussed, business: “clear brief to the RMs”, “ready to launch in January”. On another pass a laptop was open with an upside down pyramid on show with the word BRAND jumping out of the page. Curiosity peaked, I glanced momentarily in their direction at which point the talker paused in his stride before momentum took him forward.

Johnnies in the basement mixing up the medicine.

The slow train trundles. Picking up speed seems to be a gradual thing. No sudden jerks pushing passengers back into their seats in coach G for G Force. My seats reservation is for coach C but there is no coach C. The train network around here seems to have a certain sadness to it. A malaise that contrasts with the model sheep filled countryside through which the engines roar. Church spires command drystone hillsides. Evidence of industry through  valleys veins.

The anonymous hamlet of Chinley rolls effortlessly by, briefly in our thoughts but long forgotten.

We’ll meet again someday, on the avenue, tangled up in blue.

Tiny walkers step steadily along the river meadow below.

Sat at an out of the way table in the Sheffield Tap. Near enough to the bar to make it convenient. The train news is not so convenient. The next two trains to Lincoln have been cancelled. This means that the 16.38 will be heaving. The one after that is also cancelled. I have no choice although there is a transport of last resort called taxi. At least I’d be able to kip in a taxi.

Not getting a good vibe about trains in this part of the world. Makes me think LNER are actually quite good.

I am drinking Virtuous beer. This is the name of the brew and not an adjective suggesting it has high moral standards. An example of a virtuous person suggested by google is  “she considered herself very virtuous because she neither drank nor smoked”. Doesn’t seem consistent with beer but tbh google is just an algorithm. You should make up your own minds on the subject. I have. I’m on my second pint.

It’s quite interesting to watch people coming in to the ub. Most of them are en route somewhere though the occasional local makes an appearance. There is a large selection of ales and to watch an individual bloke walk up to the bar and order a specific beer feels culturally important. It’s what blokes do. Not all blokes. Just the generic bloke. Feels right. Certainly in a real ale pub in Sheffield. If this was a wine bar or a trendy bar in the South that would be different.

Bloke just walked in carrying one of those short woolly jacket/coats. It probably has a name but I know not. Girlfriend with him. They are smiling and having a good time.

Good job this is not Christmas Eve. Would be a nightmare trying to get home then. Stranded in Sheffield railway station. Someone would definitely have to bite the bullet and drive over to pick me up. THG I guess. She would be happy!

Anyway this is not Christmas Eve and I am not yet stranded. There is at least one train that will get me home. Wouldn’t be quite so bad if I was a little more mobile and able to cope with the push and shove of fighting my way on the train, barging little old ladies aside, to secure a seat, trampling over kids etc.

Feels as if the light is starting to fade outside. 4pm. 16:00hrs. Yanow. Thirty more minutes sat in the pub before I’ll look to moving to the platform. Will defo be dark by then. Deep midwinter. As long as I get a seat I’ll be ok.

Bespectacled young woman in combat trousers and a backpack enters, strides purposefully to the bar and studies the beer selection, leaning forward eyes slightly focussed. A man tries a sample of a beer and then orders a half pint. Fair enuff.

White haired old geezer in red and black lumberjack jacket has come in. He is either wearing a flat cap or beret. Can’t quite make it out and he has taken it off now that he is inside.

Sheffield to lincoln train rammed but I have a seat with a table and an empty seat next to me

Big crowd of people stood on platform but I asked member of staff where was best to stand and he pointed at an empty 15 m at the front. I was first on the train. It’s what you know innit.

Now tucking in to a (small) can of Thornbridge Jaipur 5.9% with a (small) packet of Pipers Cheddar and Onion crisps and listening to Sting Sending Out an SOS. Police. Seems unlikely I’ll be abel to make it to the on train toilet near term so I’ll have to take that into consideration when deciding on how many cans to open. No idea how many of these travellers are going all the way to Lincoln and therefore how busy the train will continue to be.

Sbeen a different to normal day. I will survive. 

When you are on a train from Sheffield to Lincoln all life is here. If only I could take a pic of everyone. Girl with false eyelashes, fake fur coat and a pink shopping bag with “LOVE” on the side. No idea who most of these people are or what their lives are like. What is a good life? Couple of musicians got on at Shireoaks. One with a guitar hard case and one with two soft jobs – one on his back and one in his hands.

The next station is Worksop. Fwiw. Enormous woman getting off here. She looks neither comfortable nor happy.

We went to see a musician. His songs represented what he was doing in life at different stages of his life.

December 15, 2024

Sunday morning sans Sunday Service

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 11:09 am

Sunday morning sans Sunday Service. Switched it off without bothering to see how it sounded. Up earlier than might be considered normal on the Sabbath but we have things to do and places to go. 

Our journey across the Pennines takes in Sheffield where we change trains. I quite like the bit between Sheffield and the outskirts of Manchester. V pictureskew. The bit from Lincoln to Sheffield is boring and suburban Manchester itself quite unattractive.

Fortunately our hotel in Manchester Piccadilly is nobbut a short stroll from the station and a ten minute cab ride from the Coop Live Arena. As “commercial” hotels go, the Piccadilly Doubletree ain’t too bad. It has a handy enough bar and the breakfast is not as ordinary as some. I am fussy about hotel breakfasts. The Soho Hotel last week was top notch.

This will be my last time in a Hilton as a HHonors Diamond member. Another era come to a close. There have been a string of these era closures, my slide from gold to silver to bronze with BA being a notable one and the expiry of my US Global Entry status. Sokay. I have no plans to enter the USA again and have an emerging preference for ground transportation. I wouldn’t even think about a USA trip without Global Entry. It is a game changer.

Really could do with a few early nights following four big nights out on the trot. Snorrapnin today as we have tickets to see Macca and are unlikely to get back to the hotel before midnight. There’s always next Tuesday.

Not v comfortable the seats on this trane. A big sign opposite the platform says KEEP OFF THE TRACK. There is a penalty of £1,000 if you don’t comply with their wishes which have, as you can see, been expressed in no uncertain terms. The seats don’t recline and there is no table for me to rest my laptop. The laptop is therefore sat on my red bag on my knees which in itself is not that comfy. Hey…

My phone has lots of Paul McCartney and Beatles songs downloaded to keep me entertained on the journey. Ready for when THG and I have exhausted our conversation. This may never occur. I can always listen to them another time. I am a big fan. THG is an all.

We are on the 11.14 originating at Lincoln Central bound for Huddersfield via Sheffield. The Liverpudlian across the aisle has cracked open a Carlsberg just peeled from a four pack. The other three cans have been replaced in a Coop carrier bag alongside his other supplies intended to make the journey more bearable. I saw a bit of cake in there. Crisps. Our provisions are some home made cheese and pickle sandwiches and a bottle of water. Simple folk really. 

For clarification, the cheese isn’t home made. The pickle is and the sandwiches were assembled at home by THG herself. I’ve never made cheese although in the course of my life I have made bread, plum chutney (the pickle) and, when I was at infant school in Dolgellau, butter. 

That was almost before time began, in the days when we lived near the centre of the village. Mam and I would nip to the shop and buy a packet of crisps and a plastic cup full of lemonade. At home I would stir the milky coffee on the stovetop until it just boiled. Can’t imagine a four year old being given coffee nowadays.

Worra mare. The trains from Sheffield to Manchester. We were supposedly on the 12.41 but the one before that had been cancelled so there were two very busy trains worth of people trying to squeeze onto the one. Wasntapnin. Our ticket was valid for the next train so we retreated to the waiting room to catch the 13.11.

It was clear that the next train too was going to be rammed. Christmas shoppers, Manchester Derby and Paul McCartney gig boppers creating the perfect storm. Being a Liverpudlian THG has a certain attitude towards Manchester anyway and the train service certainly doesn’t help. Certainly not on this occasion.

Tref the experienced traveller instinct kicked in so I figured I’d buy a couple of first class tix for the journey to Manchester. Tref the inexperienced trainline app user accidentally bought two more full fare standard class tix and couldn’t work out how to change. Doh.

I figured I’d get the onboard manager to sort so when the train arrived we hopped on and dived into the first class section. That too was rammed and fully booked although not all the seats were taken. It might perhaps explain why I ended up with standard class tix. We just sat in two of them on the basis we would sort (negotiate 🙂) if the owners came along. They didn’t. What’s more neither did the guard so when leaving the station we just used our original tickets to get past the barriers and I got a refund for the unused full fare standard class. There is a god.

We are now settled into our nice enough large corner room on the fifth floor of the Doubletree sipping a cup of tea and recovering. 

Our Joe is a couple of hours behind us coming up from Laandan so we are chillin in the room awaiting his arrival. We have his room key. We also have some free drinks vouchers which we must surely spend on beer before the afternoon turns into evening and we head to the Coop Live Arena.

The only other negative about our eventual arrival is that we have chosen to stay on the day they finally decided to fix the lift (elevator to readers across the pond) once and for all. No idea what the problem was. Intermittent I think. Fear not, we were shown to the service lift and used that. This included a backroom tour of the never normally seen bits of the hotel.

December 14, 2024

The first class lounge at Kings Cross Stayshun

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 1:30 pm

The first class lounge at Kings Cross Stayshun is busy enough but only one functional coffee machine means there is a permanent queue at the drinks station in front of us. The taxi ride here took ten minutes as opposed to the hour it took getting from the station to the hotel on Wednesday. A heady combination of temporary traffic lights and the knock on effect of protesting farmers clogging up Whitehall with their tractors.

The streets of London this morning were full of people going about their Saturday morning activities. This felt in marked contrast to the previous evening where the brightly lit bars and restaurants thronged with revellers willing to fork out eight pounds fifty for a pint and fifty five quid for a not particularly interesting set meal at a popular curry house. Economic hardship does not appear to be on show here, the invisible homeless aside.

Now on the train and whiling my time away on Facebook. Just had a request to join a group called Trefor. I created this group years ago exclusively for people called Trefor. There are four of us. Every now and again someone whose name is not Trefor asks to join and I turn them down, natch. 

Looking at the membership this morning there seemed to be half a dozen non Trefs amongst the membership. Not sure how this happened. Anyway I’ve systematically banned them. Not sure how they sneaked in or even why they would want to be in the group. I guess it is understandable that people could have Trefor envy. If you know a Trefor you might want to put them in touch.

If you live in Trefor I guess you might want to belong to the group. This I understand. However the name is already bagsied for the aforementioned purpose so you need to think of another name for your community group. “The Group for People who live in Trefor” for example. Or Trefor the place not the Person. 

There isn’t much to Trefor the place. According to the great god google in the 2021 census  it had a population of 1,067. Everyone will mostly know everyone. I wonder if any of them are called Trefor. Trefor from Trefor. A bit like Major Major Major in Catch 22. Trefor Trefor, you know it’s a blast. 

If you’ve never been to Trefor it is worth a quick drive through. On the road between Caernarfon and Pwllheli (That’s Putheley to the ignorant amongst you – don’t admit to it) Take a pic in front of the sign and post it to my timeline 🙂

The confetti has begun to settle

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 9:56 am

The confetti has begun to settle on trefbash fifteen. The last trefbash. It took until seven am yesterday to clear it all away. One day later a good night’s sleep will have cleared the mists in fuddled post party brains and today the last revellers should finally straggle north. If home is not in a far northerly direction you may well have made it back yesterday but we like to take some time to recover and make an extended trip of it.

It is hard to consider that this marks the end of a personal era. I’m not a person who looks back. I like to think there is plenty more to come but it will not involve a trefbash. The bash has however been a wonderful journey. The most satisfying aspect of it is that everyone has such a great time and has looked forward to it every year. With excitement even.

It really has been the highlight of the calendar. A finishing off of the year in style. I like the hedonistic approach to the bash. Last night we consumed seventy bottles of Pol Roger champagne. Everyone deserves the good things in life and we are lucky enough to be able to have them at trefbash. Why not? Why not be special? I haven’t yet got the numbers for pina coladas and strawberry daiquiries but I know that Mark Fordyce consumed ten of them on his own.

The club did a wonderful job with setting up the right environment and Jodie Penk from Fuse2 was a fantastic help with graphic design work that gave the evening that little bit extra something. A very talented girl.

The @Jeffrey brown band really makes the bash rock. The music is something that people really look forward to. It isn’t often you’ll find a party where everyone gets up on the dancefloor and bops til they drop.

I don’t think there will be many more posts about trefbash in my timeline. I’ve trailed it enough and need now to move on. The profile pics can stay up for the moment but I daresay there will be something else to replace them. Interesting photos of manhole covers and nice scenic pictures of mists on waters. Back to the mundane things that mostly fill our lives.

I’m writing this in the hotel room whilst THG is out doing a bit of shopping before we flag down a taxi bound for Kings Cross station. Just a few bits from Liberty n stuff like that. Tonight we have a fabulous party to go to in Lincoln. Not a trefbash style party but one with great company and great food.

Tomorrow is going to be different again. Look out for photos of the Paul McCartney gig in Manchester. Life is short. Enjoy it while you can :).

PS don’t worry about trefbash being no more. Something will come along and fill the void.

December 12, 2024

dawn considers making an appearance over Soho

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 3:57 pm

As dawn considers making an appearance over Soho the day of the bash is upon us. A pot of tea brews dutifully in the room. Interesting concept, the dutiful brew. Drink me. 

All is calm. A news program consumes the attention of THG. Breakfast will be taken around nine in plenty of time for the stroll to Fitzrovia barbers for a ten thirty appointment with a pair of scissors. 

A full monty with all the trimmings is in prospect. On the menu. Didn’t shave yesterday to make sure I got value for money. Make sure he had something to go at. 

Can’t remember the name of the barber but he is their head honcho. Top clipper. Just looked it up. Name of Elias. Figured I should check in case I accidentally ended up in the wrong chair. Snorrapnin. 

Barbouring with Stefan Wahl who has flown in from Berlin especially for the occasion. THG and Stef’s very talented artist wife Katya are taking in an art gallery and later, perhaps a visit to the biggest wool shop in this part of town. What’s not to like?

The Wahl party is here for the bash and not just for haircuts and sheared sheep by products. Today is the day. As you know.

Not going to say any more. Enough has already been said. If you’re going I’m very excited at the prospect of meeting up. If you aren’t coming don’t worry there will be plenty of photos to share the experience with you.

Trefbash 15. The last trefbash.

Observations from the hotel:

Top notch breakfast. This is how I rate hotels.

We have two sinks in the room/bathroom. We both like to use the same one. I note that the soap is in a different spot everything I use the sink.

Last night I was in the loo of cafe pacifico. Guy comes in and cleans the sinks. Fair enough. Then  he stands at an urinal with lodger in left hand and phone in right.

People coming in to hotel lobby saying they are here for a meeting reminds me that it is a working day.

December 11, 2024

Tb minus one

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 12:46 pm

Only one day to go. More or less packed here. Just in the shed doing a  few minute last bits and bobs before putting up the shutters. Printing off the guest list for the door. Retrieving my USB C cable. Stuff like that.

It’s a bit of a strange feeling really. Tomorrow’s bash has been in the planning for a year. Now it is one day to go. Tb minus one. Ridiculous that we can put on a trefbash. It has a vibe that money can’t buy. This is because it is down to the people that come. Everyone is there to have a great time and a great time they have.

Of course it is helped by copious amounts of alcohol, good food and absolutely fabulous music. The venue is unique and the staff wonderful. In fact the staff enjoy the evening so much that past employees ring up to ask if they can come back and just work the trefbash evening. Then during the course of the year people who have attended the bash visit the club and tell them they were there for trefbash.

I feel quite humbled by it all and at the same time v excited. The champagne is being chilled and the decorations are going up. See y’all tomorrow. Don’t be late now.

This year we will have more people than ever before. The bash is oversubscribed on the basis that there is always a dropout. At this time of year people go down with flu and things crop up that force them to make other plans. Sorry if you haven’t been able to get there this year. The waitlist has been disabled.

December 10, 2024

Medical science an all that jazz

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 10:38 am

Busy day ahead. Gotta pack for a trip. Pick up a shirt. Drive to Nottingham to see an orthopaedic surgeon to discuss a hip or two. Nip to the bank. Watch Liverpool wallop whoever they are playing in Yoorp. Not all in that order. Everything is in hand, ish.

London for three nights, back home for a party and then off to Manchester for a popular music concert on Sunday.

The year is approaching its climax. The party season is in full swing. Under way. Heating up. A time of excess.

The excess bit is not necessarily a good thing. It isn’t as if we have to fill ourselves to build stores for the lean months ahead. We do it anyway. Those of us who are lucky enough to be able to.

Presents. Not actually given it any thought as of yet. Don’t need any more socks. Have thought about knitting meself a pair as a bit of a project. I was trawling through nineteenth century census records for Carmarthenshire the other day, as you do, and came across someone whose occupation was stocking maker. Swat gave me the idea.

Where I come from they were mostly farmers or agricultural labourers with the occasional woollen factory worker and minister of religion thrown in. I even saw a butter merchant and a publican or two. I don’t recall seeing a doctor on any of the census entries I read. Interesting. If you had something wrong with you you were probably toast. 

My great great great great grandfather Daniel Davies was born in 1766 and died at the age of seventy seven or thereabouts. The healthy outdoor farming life and, being a Baptist, probably didn’t do excess. I am neither a farmer nor a Baptist but we do have doctors nowadays. Medical science an all that jazz.

Doubt I’ll get around to knitting a pair of socks but the idea is sound 🙂

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