where art collides philosoperontap

November 24, 2024

How to eat half a grapefruit.

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 9:06 am

How to eat half a grapefruit. For the purpose of this post it is assumed that the grapefruit has already been cut in half. These instructions are applicable for any type of grapefruit be it yellow, pink or any other sort. Are there other sorts of grapefruit? For those people eating tinned grapefruit the segments have already been removed from the pith/skin/zest/shell and you should refer to separate instructions not supplied herein.

The half a grapefruit should be placed in a low sided bowl. The low sides are important in order for the grapefruit to be easily accessible for eating. A sharp knife should be used to cut around the edge penetrating as far into the core as possible and then the segments should be sliced from the centre out to facilitate easy extraction. It isn’t particularly important that the cuts follow the line of the segments unless you’re a bit anal about this sort of thing which I’m not.

The choice of spoon used in eating half a grapefruit is very personal. Some prefer teaspoons and some dessert spoons. Soup spoons aren’t particularly suitable although if that’s all you have then they may be used. I don’t really mind which I use but dessert spoons do have the advantage of being able to gather more fruit in one go than the humble teaspoon. Wooden spoons should not be used and big serving spoons are hugely over the top – get real.

Once spoon selection has been made there are two other acts of preparation that must be made before the act of eating commences. Wearers of spectacles should remove them and place at a reasonable distance away from the grapefruit bowl. This is to ensure that no grapefruit juice splatters the lenses whilst eating. A spot within easy reach but outside splash range will be fine. Then any other items susceptible to “splash damage” such as this laptop screen should have the lid closed and moved a short distance away, in my case to the left.

You are now ready to eat your grapefruit. Take the chosen spoon and whilst holding the fruit down with one hand scoop out the flesh, working your way around until it has all been eaten. Then the spoon should be used to scrape away the remaining fruit stuck to the sides. 

Once eaten it is perfectly acceptable to remove the shell from the bowl and tip the bowl up so that you can drink the juice that is inevitably left at the bottom. I’m ok with drinking straight out of the bowl but this is somewhat to do with your upbringing. Others might lift their noses up at this and prefer to use a spoon. Personally I think you get more of the juice by drinking directly from the bowl. Sup to you.

Once eaten the grapefruit skin should be placed in the compost bin and the bowl and spoon arranged neatly in your dishwasher.

This is a technique tried and tested over sixty years and has been proven to be very effective. I trust the reader will find these instructions useful and have years of enjoyable grapefruit eating ahead of them.

Breakfast this morning will be brunch. Having eaten the half grapefruit I am now drinking tea in the snug. All the ingredients for breakfast are out on the butchers block but it is the Sabbath after all and there is no immediate rush. I’ve checked the jobslist and there is nothing particularly immediate or urgent on there. Some of the jobs are for next year. I am cooking pork chops for dinner tonight but the prep for that can wait. It’s just sorting out the ingredients for the sauce.

I was only going to have avocado toast for breakfast, perhaps with a bit of bacon but THG informs me the avos ain’t ripe yet so plans have changed. There is half a tin of baked beans that needs finishing off so I’ll be chucking a few other bits into the mix to make it more interesting.

Agonising decision to be made in the spices, oils and vinegars aisle in Waitrose. I needed some more cumin seeds. They only sell ground cumin at THG’s usual shop but Waitrose, recognising that some recipes will need whole seeds, stocks em. £1.75 for a small jar. The agonising bit was the offer of two for £3.20. I couldn’t think of anything else we needed and there was no point in buying two jars of cumin seeds because one jar lasts a long time. Only bought the one jar! Was only a 30p saving for goodness sake 🙂

November 23, 2024

Bert batters

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 12:31 pm

Battered by Bert. We are being. Looked on the cctv at 6.13am. Cameras showed rain and I could hear it on the roof of the greenhouse. It’ll clear the snow off the ground in double quick time. Park Run is cancelled. THG gutted. A vengeful storm named Bert. Good name.

In typing that first paragraph I accidentally discovered that if you hold your finger on a letter on the keyboard it comes up with loads of variant options for that letter. Ęèéêëēėə for example. No longer will I have to mess around inserting special characters when typing mañana. Not that I use that word particularly often but you get the drift.

Now listening to Farming Today. Intensive farming and inheritance tax. Two separate subjects. Not the impact of inheritance tax on intensive farming. No Jeremy Clarkson fortunately. I would be switching off. Before that it was Clare Boulding walking and talking with the chief scout, Dwayne Fields. They were at Gilwell Park. HQ. Went there for the world jamboree some years ago when our Tom was in the Scouts.

Bert is really blowing now. Blow Bert, blow and batter. If there are any leaves left on the trees they will soon be gone. Rain lashes the windows to the rear (estate agentspeak) of the house. A proper storm.

A full English is called for but there is no rush. It is a hunkering down kind of day. The kitchen is warm. The wireless is on, albeit at a slightly lower than comfortably audible volume. I’ll have it turned up a little.

There is cricket talk on the air. A somewhat anomalous feel to it considering the storm would stop play, not to mention the cold. Play delayed due to frozen pitch. The weather forecast that followed the cricket piece tells us it is very unsettled. The last of the snow is about to disappear from the greenhouse roof. THG, clad in a bright green waterproof coat has sallied forth to a shop to source.

In the queue to buy Peter Kay tickets for the Isle of Man in February 2026. A quick off season city break when all the tourists have gone. Phone and laptop using two different IP addresses fwiw. 3 mins in and no sign of progress. 

Now 28 mins in and only just over a quarter of the way. Must only have one cashier at the other end flogging the tickets. “Now where would you like to sit sir? There is a nice aisle seat here in row F”.

THG came back from the shops with a big box of Maltesers. Oh great says I. We can play marbles with them. Have you lost your marbles says she? No I’ve been eating them 🙂

After 68 minutes the Peter Kay tickets sold out. Didn’t get any. There are better times of the year to go to the Isle of Man anyway.

November 22, 2024

most of our pals have a dog

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 2:04 pm

A bright morning, a beautiful day. Just above freezing temperature. A good breakfast of fried smoked bacon and mushrooms in toasted white bread, French butter and HP Sauce washed down with a glass of organic milk. Now a fine cup of tea. A good start. Everyone needs a good start. Get going on the right foot and things will be okaaay.

I hear footsteps upstairs. THG getting ready for the day. Pumping iron this morning. Gymnasium. Gym. Yarborough. I have no plans although I do need to take a bottle of wine back to Waitrose as it wasn’t quite right last night. Amazingly, I still have the receipt in my jeans pocket. Just makes everything a little easier although all I’m going to do is swap it for another so wouldn’t really matter. Amarone. Yum, or not as was the case with this particular bottle.

It’s a Friday today, thank God. If gods are your thang you shouldn’t just thank them on a Friday. I just said that because it’s a common phrase. A turn of words used by people who want to express their joy that the end of the working week is nigh and a weekend of untrammelled relaxation lies ahead. Unless they have a jobslist obvs.

Us Davieses are off out tonight to The Drill Hall to see a Clash tribute act. The Clash tribute band by all accounts. We saw them in the Cavern Club in the Peul and enjoyed ourselves so going again tonight on our home turf. Manor. Patch.

Otherwise it will likely be a weekend of quiet contemplation and the enjoyment of each other’s company. I might light the fire again. Watch a bit of football and rugby. The mighty Wales take on the Springboks. We all know the likely outcome but still travel hopefully. Expectantly. Faithfully.

I will cook a curry on Saturday. I forget what THG has planned for Sunday but I’m absolutely positive it will be deelish.

Dark days ahead next week. Dark day anyway. Black Friday. Not sure I’ve ever come across something in a Black Friday sale that I want to buy. I have all the neon signs I need. Don’t really need owt. Since when did that ever stop anyone 🙂

Neon signs apart, if anything I am trying to simplify my life. In the interest of research I went online to browse amazing Black Friday deals. Amazon is offering 27% off Topfree Poo Bags for Dog Waste, 12 Rolls 180 Dog Poo bags. You have to have them in green though and not being a regular buyer of said items I don’t know if 27% off is a good deal. I couldn’t immediately see 27% off how much. 

I expect 180 bags would last a good while. No idea. Guess it depends on how many dogs you have and how often they “go”. You could split the purchase with a pal or two so that you all get the benefit of the bulk buy price. The deal. Not for me though as we don’t have a dog.

We have occasionally mulled over getting a dog. Most of our pals have one. The concept is good. The problem is they are more trouble than it’s worth. They have to be looked after. The vets fees can be enormous. We ain’t getting one. Not getting a cat either. No pets. THG will tell you she has enough trouble having just me in the house.

64 out of 100

London Calling at The Drill. Clash tribute band gig. I am reminded how few Clash songs I know. The audience is full of old people who might once have danced themselves in to a drug and alcohol fueled  frenzy to the sounds of the Clash in the seventies. Maybe. Maybe they line to think of themselves that way. THG is in the moshpit building up a sweat. She is not old. Ageless.

It’s a bit of a noise tbh. Considering this year we will have seen The Eagles and Paul McCartney and have already got tickets for ELO’s farewell gig in Hyde Park for next summer this evenings entertainment isn’t in the same musical league. It was of its time.

A few walking sticks and an electric wheelchair on display. I’m getting soft. Left my walking stick in the car 🙂 It was my dads. I can do without. Hip op in January. Age is both a physical and mental thing.

Elvis Presley played here, apaz. Some time ago now. A walking stick wouldn’t help him, anymore.

A fair few blokes sitting it out in the bar. I occasionally hear the band through the doors when they open to let people pass through. I was a youth At one time but I don’t remember bopping to the Clash. The Jam yes. Even when I hear a tune I recognise it doesn’t inspire me to go back in to the “auditorium”. Hey…

Old, old old, old, old. Middle aged really. Not geriatric old. 

A few face tattoos on display. Neck at least. Bald old guy in an overcoat comes out for a refill. 5 mins later he is out again to visit the gents.

November 21, 2024

the crisp walk

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 4:28 pm

Another crisp walk to the shed this morning. Frozen snow. Shed v toasty. Flagrantly displaying my wealth by leaving the heater on overnight. Actually the insulation is so good I suspect it costs very little to heat. There is still a thick layer of snow on the roof. Gonna rain at the weekend with temperatures soaring to thirteen degrees so back to normal, if there is such a thing

One of the consequences of this cold spell and the snow in particular is that my flower meadow has been flattened. It’s been an exceptionally long season for blooms with more coming through but the snow has put an end to that. At least lots of seeds will now be in the ground ready for next year.

Put my Meindl boots on for the walk down the path. Will be picking some choice logs from the woodstore later and tbh I have no idea what the ground is like behind the greenhouse. Figured it might not be good for wearing loafers. Also brought my warm Timberland gloves. My Black Yak Himalayan jumper and beanie round off a suitably seasonal sartorial setup.

So now I have another day without a calendar entry. The 10am meet has been postponed until 17th December which is one of the few dates I said I could make it that month. Classically I stop working after trefbash and the rest of the month is v busy partying. I’ve mostly stopped work anyway which should free up even more time for partying but that’s not how it works. The body couldn’t take it. I’m always knackered by the time we get to Christmas Day as it is. Another free day means more time to work on the family tree and thus the book.

The Red Arrows fly by overhead. They are always doing this to me. Presumably some kind of salute. Prefer the throaty roar of the spitfire but you tend not to see that at this time of year whereas winter is the time the arrers practice. On the ocky lads. 

Nipped out to Clearview Optician this pm  to pick up a couple of new rubber sleevy things for my Oakley specs. Turns out I went to the wrong branch. Ah well. It’ll wait. The right branch was the one in the Bailgate. It was on my way back from Waitrose but couldn’t be arsed tbh.

Home now. The fire is lit. Picked up a 10kg bag of smokeless coal from the Shell garage on Burton Road. Fifteen pounds! I repeat, fifteen pounds! It’s just a bit of luxury really as we have visitorrs coming this eve. Front room nice and warm now. Took a while to get going though as I’d only just brought the kindling in this morning so despite being kept under cover it was still a little damp.

November 20, 2024

cold in Lincolnshire

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 8:45 pm

Tis v cold in Lincolnshire this morning. Crisp. Brass monkeys beware. Freeze yer knackers off. Is that a saying? Am looking for phrases that suggest non optimal temperatures for those who prefer to wear shorts.

Time to get up. Thought for the day is on.

Now seeing ads for hip and knee operations. I’m sorted fanks. Date needs fixing but either last week of Jan or first in Feb. TBC.

Gonna make it a leisurely start to the day. Not much in the diary. Probs see if I can make progress with the family tree. But first the fast shall be broken.

Shed is toasty. Only nine forty eight and I’m already at my desk. What’s that all about? Must be said my mornings are getting lazier and slower. I throttled back on work in May and it is taking some time to get into a routine and find other gainful activity. My idea was to write a book and this is still the plan but need to inject some discipline into the process.

Things are not helped by the fact that I need a hip replacement operation. One for sure but the other is on its way out as well. This will be scheduled over the next week or two with likely dates being last week in Jan or first in Feb. The benefits of private healthcare. 

In the meantime my hips are v sore which I’m sure is contributing in no small way to the slowing down of life. Gotta be sorted. Sixty two, nearly sixty three is not an age to slide into oblivion.

Tropical trefbash is three weeks tomorrow. Remember it is fancy dress or at least attire that conforms to the theme. An explorer’s outfit for example 🙂  I realise not everyone does fancy dress but on this occasion it might just be a Hawaiian shirt. Easy peasy really. 

Some of the punters who go to the CCUK Xmas lunch beforehand will be wearing suits. It is easy enough to wear a Hawaiian shirt under the suit jacket innit. If Christmas jumpers are your thing, stick a Hawaiian shirt on under the jumper.

I’ll be in touch again before the big day but it is all looking good.

Tomorrow is Beaujolais Nouveau Day fwiw. This isn’t something we particularly celebrate, especially considering the very young nature of the wine. However Dave Hopkins and I did take the afternoon off about forty years ago to go to Straits Wine bar for a slurp or two of the red. Dave’s wife Cecile joined us during her lunch break and also a couple of peeps, John and Becky, from the marketing department at work who once they realised Dave and I were not going back decided to bunk off for the afternoon themselves.

It was a seriously boozy lunch. No idea how many bottles we went through. However there was a natural end to it as in those days pubs and wine bars had to close at 3pm. Don’t worry though. John lived over the road so there we went. He polished off a decanter of whisky, me gin and Dave the brandy.

Now the beautiful bit of this story is that Dave had to go home to prepare for some dinner guests they had coming that evening. The Hopkinses dining table was just a circular piece of MDF. This needed cutting in half and a rectangular piece inserted to make the table bigger.

Dave caught the bus home and fell asleep on the sofa. The first guests to arrive had to saw the table top and fit the rectangular bit. That evening Dave was in the doghouse and could only manage glasses of water. Happy days.

Quite interesting how family tree research can soak up huge amounts of time. I’ve spent two hours on Ancestry this morning and feel the progress is like wading through treacle. I come across people in others’ trees who are clearly the same as the ones in mine but with slightly different info – eg birth dates are out.

So the thing to do is connect with the other person to chat about their tree and understand their sources of info but it is a very long drawn out process. It’s only worth doing if you think they have more info than you.

November 19, 2024

two inch blanket of snow.

Filed under: diary — admin @ 3:49 pm

Lincoln was quiet at 5.30 this morning, silenced overnight by a two inch blanket of snow. I was awake at that time but not tempted to leave a cosy bed. The wireless went on at five past six but didn’t listen, drifting in and out of dozy consciousness. Missiles, war, angry farmers. 

Now traffic noise coincides with the magical arrival of the tea tray. Hey presto.

On the radio a farm notionally worth nine million pounds is only generating nineteen thousand pounds a year. Looking at it objectively either the land is overvalued or the farm isn’t a good business. I guess farmers don’t always do it for the money although I’m sure if they are only pulling in £19k they would rather it be higher.

Had a good breakfast and now taking tea looking out over the garden. Pleasing to observe that whilst I left the heating on in the shed overnight the snow on the roof has not melted suggesting v good insulation. Ditto our kitchen roof which until we redid the tiling last year had no insulation. 

I’ll be dropping THG off at the gym at 9.30 so will need to be up and have cleared the snow off her car before then. Just letting my breakfast go down at the mo.

Clearing the (3 inches of) snow off the car was a bit of a doddle. It just brushed off. Will have all melted by this pm anyway I reckon. I like the cold weather. I should caveat that by saying it’s nice when you are toasty and warm as is the case in the shed. My new tropical trefbash sign has added a bit of colour this morning and I decided it would also be appropriate to switch on the Lagunitas IPA sign. Normally that only goes on when the sun is over the yardarm.

The shed is a haven in the snow. The only things missing are adequate supplies for the eventuality that I couldn’t make it back to the house. There is always deliveroo I guess. Always assuming they would come down the side of the house to the back garden. I quite like that idea 🙂. Their motto should be ‘Deliveroo always gets through’. Might offer it to them, for a consideration. Not sure I’ve ever used them mind you.

November 18, 2024

Followed a British Pubs group on Facebook

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 3:40 pm

Followed a British Pubs group on Facebook this morning. I like British Pubs. This was a mistake though as I was immediately inundated with posts from the group. In fact I scrolled down past fifty posts before I got to one from one of my friends. Hmm.

They weren’t all from the pubs group though a lot were. Some were cartoons that I haven’t specifically followed but not deleted. So I unfollowed the pubs and then spent some time deleting and snoozing posts that Facebook thought I would like. Hopefully it will get the message. Doubt it.

Tis going to be a cold week in the shire. We awoke to frost on the kitchen roof and on all the leaves on the back lawn. Quite pictureskew tbf. Will be sub zero overnight all week. This is as it should be in November. Could be in for some snow. Exciting eh? I may make an executive decis and leave the heating on in the shed. Probs. Praps. Maybs.

Quite a few pals in Budapest today for the Euro-IX conference. I like Budapest. Just for kicks I looked up the weather there. Slightly warmer! Didn’t expect that. Euro-IX is a lovely gig. Lots of nice people there. THG used to come along with me. There would be a cohort of partners around to go on outings. All things come to pass. 

Nowt to stop us going to Budapest for a city break next year. Not this year. This year is sorted.

I should be getting a sign this morning.

Quite a few jobs down to do today though it is taking me a bit of time to get going on them. Well it is Monday morning after all, apaz. You should know that the manoeuvrability of my desk chair will not be a productivity hindrance since I replaced the old carpet with a new purpose built plastic desk mat. It’s a lot better. 

Only had that carpet since the spring. Bought it from the Dunelm store in the Carlton Centre but it just wasn’t right for the job. Will have to think of what to do with it now. Maybe a weed suppressor. Seems a bit of a shame. THG will think of something. She is good like that.

The Carlton Centre is quite handy for us. There is a coop and a post office and you can park around the back quite close to them. I use it in preference to the Bailgate which is probs marginally closer but a bit more hit and miss when it comes to parking. Both are walkable but not at the mo whilst I wait to get my hip sorted.

There is also a McDonalds there but believe it or not it I rarely frequent the place. I do like a big mac but you always leave feeling dissatisfied. KFC is worse. After a KFC you feel downright greasy and crap. Don’t do it folks.

Not on the jobslist is to brush the leaves off the deck in front of the shed. Noticed it was quite slippery this morning… Just done it. Cleared a bit of a path anyway. No point in overdoing it. On a Monday morning. Only took me twenty seconds, max. Fingers crossed nobody will slip on the deck now.

Why are you telling us all this Tref I hear you say. Boring everyday stuff. Well life isn’t always about staying in posh hotels at exotic locations, sipping cocktails on the rooftop bar. Believe it or not 🙂. The body does need the occasional break yanow. 

And everyday stuff is really not boring. We all have to do it. OK some of us will get the butler to do most of it but how would you otherwise fill your time. Certainly not doing jigsaws. That’s where the line gets drawn.

Anyway there is a cocktail tasting session planned for next week at the Phoenix Arts Club in London. You would expect me to unleash untested cocktails on the party revellers at trefbash would you. A specialist team has been assembled. You can’t let just anyone loose on a cocktail tasting session. 24 days and counting.

I am still planning the big trip for 2026. On the shortlist are India and the west coast of Canada taking in the Calgary Stampede. Would be tempted to go to Alaska as I’ve been watching Lawless Island on National Geographic. That’s in the USA though and I am disinclined to go there. The northern bit of the Canadian west coast is probably similar. Not made much progress with any of the planning yet but I guess there is plenty of time.

My main activity this morning is turning out to be waiting for the FedEx van to arrive. I am quite excited about this. Something we have been planning for a few weeks now.

So got most of the jobs down to be done today done. Just some form filling to do and a conf call with the Hilton in Antwerp. I organise an event there every spring. 3rd April in 2025 if ya fancy coming.

November 17, 2024

Temperatures set to drop

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 8:13 pm

Temperatures set to drop. Why bother looking up the weather forecast when you can read my posts? 😀 Now I know there will be some of you who will say you don’t live in the same part of the world as me, same hemisphere even, but I say to you pshaw, piffle and phut. It matters not a jot. Talking Lincoln here, not Timbuktu. Just pretend you live down the road to me then it will all make sense.

The wireless has grown silent. Noone has complained. It’s a Sunday. We are not meant to enjoy ourselves, be entertained. At least on Sundays the talk is on turmoil in the church and, for this particular moment in time, not politics. I can always switch it off if I don’t like what I’m hearing. Or switch off myself. 

If I have time today I might watch Whisky Galore. The original one. It seems appropriate on the Sabbath. Doubt I’ll be helping myself to a wee dram though. Not even sure I’ve got any in. It’s usually just something I buy at Christmas. Coming soon though eh? 😉 I do have some Calvados…

Out of interest I just looked up the weather in Timbuktu. The Met Office has no data on the place. I assume therefore it must be the same weather as Lincoln. Wrap up well.

Not sure I will be getting out of the house much today except perhaps swimming this pm. Got dinner to get ready innit. I am usually the Sunday dinner wallah. THG goes off to a regular Sunday morning social called church and I don’t so I stay in the kitchen chopping, peeling and otherwise prepping stuff for the table this evening. We rarely do Sunday lunch as it kills the rest of the day. Do like a nice boozy Sunday lunch occasionally mind you, thanose.

This morning THG has prepared some smashed avocado. I just need to assemble mine with the appropriate accompaniments: sourdough toast, poached egg and a side of bacon. Avocados and sourdough hadn’t even been invented when I was a kid (afaik) so we are clearly keeping up with the times. And the Joneses, although I have no idea whether they eat smashed avocado on sourdough toast.

Anyway the cathedral bells have just struck eight forty two and I must be away. There is avocado to eat.

Now is the calm before the storm. Before flour starts flying and the noises of cooking come loud but not necessarily clear from the kitchen. I am sat in the living room with my tea beside me on the small table procured by THG expressly for that purpose. I had previously made observations as to the dearth of places to put down a cup in this room, at least where I currently choose to sit. She heard the call and jumped into action, fair play.

Tonight’s tea is a beef casserole. We haven’t actually got enough olive oil to cook this, to seal the beef, but without realising it I had a bit of a brainwave on Friday in Fosters and threw in a tub of beef dripping with the meat. Usually we use this for roasties but it will be perfectly fine for frying beef. Perfectly fine.

It’s a fair bit of faff making a beef casserole. Lots of chopping to do then a process that has to be followed. It isn’t just a question of chucking it all in the pot, believe you me. I have all the elements to make it a success. It is mostly a success. Sometimes more successful than others. Basically down to the flavours you add into the pot but I am confident today. At least once everything is in the pan and simmering gently away you can just walk away and leave it.

This afternoon the mighty Wales take on visitors from the Antipodes. Stralia. I’m not particularly confident but will loyally wave the flag. The occasion is made more interesting in that Jac Morgan is back in the side. I met his mum and dad in a bar in Carcassonne last year during the Rugby World Cup. Siarad Cymraeg. I feel involved.

The timing of the game is perfect as it will finish just as we sit down for nosh. What’s not to like?

Took me all morning to get the food prepped. I watched/listened to seven episodes of a ww2 documentary on you tube whilst doing so. Avin a sit down and a cuppa now before washing all the bowls I used. There is a lot to be said for having a kitchen assistant. Haven’t got one.

When she is in THG does tend to tidy up around me. Well someone has to stay on top of the mess. I’ve had to develop a system. If something is on the worktop to the left of the stove it is still being used. If I’ve moved it around the corner to near the sink it is free game. Otherwise it’s a game of hmm where’s that knife/fork/spoon I was using. Ah it might be in the dishwasher. Love is… <3 

Lovely day out. Perfect for a stroll to the shed. 

November 16, 2024

Standing on the landing

Filed under: diary — admin @ 11:01 am

Standing on the landing looking out of the window onto the back lawn this morning I was met by a confrontation of colour. Came right up to the window and looked me challengingly in the eye. ‘You can’t talk to me like that’ I responded silently. The leaf blower stays in the garage.

In the kitchen of Tref and THG a state of calm exists. The wall clock audibly reminds us that time moves slowly on. The frying pan, retrieved from its hanging home sits patiently on the stovetop. Its time will come. A second pot of tea is considered. 

With five weeks to the winter solstice a low sun streams through the kitchen window. Long shadows on the pine table. The wireless sits quietly awaiting orders. None come. Lights out.

Bacon beckons.

Heard on the radio there is a National Shed Association. Quite excited about this so immediately googled. Disappointingly it wasn’t quite what I had in mind. It is a men’s support organisation. Don’t get me wrong. It is a good thing I’m sure. Just not what I had in mind.

Now I think about it I did sometime ago look up sheds in relation to their use as meeting places where like minded individuals could come together to drink beer and discuss deeply interesting matters. My initiative was stopped in its tracks when I found that the idea, or at least the name, had been stolen by well intentioned individuals unknown. 

I’m sure the Lincoln branch at the time appeared to be held in a happy clappy establishment near my accountants downtown which immediately put me on my guard. However, just looked again now and that branch must have closed as they don’t seem to have a Lincoln outlet. Maybe it was some other entity based at that church.

I parked the idea but it is still a goodun. Just need to find a different name. Must include the word shed. Sheds Anonymous. Shedsrus. Sheds with a fridge.

Youda thought that a fridge was a prerequisite for any self respecting shed. Certainly is in my book. Also a bookcase 😀 My fridge does need defrosting mind you and a bit of a clean. Just a wipe down that’s all.  The bookcase probs needs dusting. The books need reading.

No shave today. I never shave on a match day.

Need to nip to a local market at some point to buy some food for tonight’s tea. THG has gone off to Sleaford or Spalding or somewhere for the day with some pals to watch an amateur production of Guys and Dolls and is having lunch before the show. One of my all time fave shows as I was in it thirty odd years ago. CAODS.

The point is as a result of the, presumably not insubstantial, lunch she won’t want much to eat tonight so I am sorting myself out. Ordinarily this is a cause for celebration. Eat what you like Tref. This would often be a steak with side salad and a decent bottle of red. I’m not in a steak mood. 

I don’t know what mood I’m in. It isn’t a bad mood. Just not a steak or chinese or curry or pizza mood. Needs some consideration. It may be the only way to sort it is to go and see what’s on offer. Check the melons for ripeness, smell the avocados, that sort of thing. Do people smell avocados? I know they smell some things. I’m sure I’ve seen Rick Stein do it when out and about sourcing ingredients.

I’m not particularly in a ‘spend a lot of time cooking mood’. Normally I quite like cooking and typically only get to do it at the weekend which actually is fine. I do need to buy some beer as tomorrow the menu includes something that will benefit from a slosh of beer in it. Purely culinary purposes obvs. 

Am thinking a salad with small spuds and a few nice bits of ham and cheese maybs. The food agenda has been complicated by today’s sporting timetable. Turkey v Wales at roundball at 5pm and then the second half of the England v Sprinkboks game that starts at twenty to six. 

The rugby has been starting at strange times and not the usual on the hour or half past. Presumably TV driven but I dunno. The point is the rugby won’t be finished til nearly seven thirty which is a bit late to start cooking. Late for me anyway, any road up, ‘appen.

This realisation is causing more anguish foodchoicewise. Wellavetowaitandsee.

November 15, 2024

Old Don

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 2:19 pm

Old Don is staying true to form with his Cabinet appointments in the US of A. My god it’s going to be an “interesting” time ahead. I will keep my head buried in the sand.

It isn’t really sand of course. We haven’t got that much. Just a small bag that we use to fill in the cracks in the paved front drive once a year, ish.

Spent most of the morning sorting game birds for the fridge/freezer. Mallard, pheasant and partridge. Pheasant was the easiest as I just kept the brest. Ditto the duck but the technique for duck is different to pheasant so was quite ‘feathery’. Not very big breasts on wild mallard.

Then nipped down to Fosters on Monks Road for some supplies of protein. Back now waiting for a conf call to start. In about half an hour. With a big American company. Honestly, who works on a Friday afternoon? I have a load of family tree stuff to be getting on with. Other stuff as well probs.

The big news today is there isn’t any. Not that I’ve noticed anyway. Not that I’ve looked. Actually I have just looked. In the interest of research. The Guardian has an article: “Shadow Chancellor warns Reeves over EU ties after Bank chief says Brexit harming economy”. Ya gorra laugh innit. The most useless bunch of f@£$%its giving advice.

I’ve just whiled away some time on the Ancestry website and it has consumed the 25 minutes I had to wait before the conf call. This stuff chews up time.

November 14, 2024

Switched on the wireless set

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 7:31 am

Switched on the wireless set by mutual consent at 05.45 expecting to hear Farming Today or simlar but landed in the middle of Prayer for Today. Gawd. Mentally switched off again but was soon brought back to alert mode with farming talk. Regenerative farming, the sale of the 9,500 acre Rothbury Estate, implication on farmers of the new inheritance tax. Stuff like that.

The sale of such a large piece of land is not only rare but not something to be considered lightly when it’s been in the family for 650 years. I guess it’s part of an ongoing process. Over history wealth has moved away from the land where rental income from an estate has not kept up with the cost of the owner’s lifestyle. Gambling debts to be paid off etc. Not saying that’s the case here. I dunno. There are also nowadays more productive uses of capital. Railway mania, tulips, south sea bubbles and bitcoin…

A street cleaner just whooshed by outside, lights a flashing and suckers sucking, turning over old leaves.

Farming Today made me think of all the farmers out there listening to the same programme, swigging coffee at their kitchen table before heading out to do the milking. Gotta get mooving. Those cows don’t milk themselves yanow.

I’m still in bed but the tea fairy has arrived.

November 13, 2024

I’m not a pheasant plucker

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 11:22 am

Brown bins go out this evening. I have it in my calendar as a fortnightly recurring event. No idea when the green and black bins go out. Didn’t put the dates down. Those bins just seem to roll themselves out. He he.

THG is up and at it so turned the wireless off. Nowt on worth listening to. It’s all American politics and shenanigans in the Church Of England. The archbish of Canterbury has already fallen on his crook and other names being whispered in the cloisters include our own bishop of Lincoln who THG tells me she has never met. Me neither. Probs never will.

I did once, many moons ago, sit near a Bishop of Lincoln when on the train back from London. 1st class obvs. I wonder at which point in the hierarchy of the church you qualify for business class travel. He was probably getting it on expenses for attendance at the House of Lords. Dipping the sacramental bread in the gravy train.

In those days the church was also in the news because one of the clergy responsible for sending the cathedral’s copy of the Magna Carta on tour to Australia flew his family out there first class on expenses. Well I wouldn’t want to fly to Oz anything less than first class would you? 

I can’t remember the deets but it left a stain on the altar cloth. Ended up in a very public row between the dean and the sub dean who was notionally the naughty boy and refused to fall on his own version of a crook or whatever sub deans get to brandish when delivering the sermon on fire and brimstone.

On another subject, effective oven use is a subject very close to our hearts, THG and I. Even though we have two we like to try and get everything in one. Nuff said.

My main job today is game preparation. My friend Max very graciously swung by and dropped off braces of pheasant, partridge and wild duck (probably furious when it got shot). Might have to do it outside as last year feathers got everywhere.

At my desk in the shed for the first time in a few days. Must be said you appreciate home comforts after being away for a while. The heater is on. All is well. As usual the shed still needs a bit of a tidy. It is ever thus. 

Perhaps one of the projects for winter. Those short days and long nights where we are forced to stay indoors and gaze out of the window at storms raging and temperatures falling. Get that wood store sorted. You are going to need the fuel. The heat. Roll on the day they invent central heating.

Other than The New Saints v Bala Town in the Welsh League Cup there is no sport on today of interest and I doubt that game will be televised. It is unlikely that anyone has any idea where The New Saints are based so impossible for a film crew to get there. Bala now, that’s obvious, innit. Wonder what happened to the Old Saints? Could look it up I suppose, New and Old. Croesoswallt. Will the cable stretch that far?

The reality is I am trying to put off starting to pluck the pheasants (yea yea I know someone will pipe up). Once I get going I’ll be ok but right now I am in prevarication mode. This is a mental setting. Replaced the button that used to be there before the information revolution resulted in the ubiquitous deployment of soft switches and the inevitable infinite dither loop. A good concept, the infinite dither. Interesting anyway. I doubt THG would agree with the term “good” when applied to dither, infinite or otherwise.

November 12, 2024

Let’s head north shall we

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 7:36 am

‘Let’s head north shall we’ said both of us in unison. Not really. Just sounded good as the opening line of a book/play/Hollywood travel blockbuster if there is such a thing. A travel blockbuster doesn’t really sound right. Cast of thousands, mahoosive budget etc. Suites in posh hotels and fine dining for all the leading act torrs. Winnebagoes onsite at the lot. Maybe not. Cut!

Mind you it could have been a novel/play/movie about an expedition of exploration and discovery to the Artic. Or Aberdeen. You can imagine the sitch where they were trying to decide where to go. Get the atlas out and look in the index. The immediately obvious up front choices would have been the Artic and Aberdeen simply down to their position in the alphabetical listing.

Zanzibar would have stood no chance and would in anycase have been no good as, unless the starting point is somewhere like Australia, which I can confidently say it isn’t, Zanzibar is not “up north” which is what the novel/play/film is about.

At this stage we have no idea how far up north had been in the mind of the writer. Note the term writer applies across all three genres of travelogue/West End production/moving picture and made word selection a lot easier.

We may find out as I will still be a passenger in the Silver Bullet for the next 55 miles. THG is at the wheel. If we don’t find out by the time we swap over the driving in the event that the answer reveals itself to me later I will post it as a comment.

In fact, let’s not mess about here. The original concept was a trip to the North Pole itself and still remains the case. We are going to have our photo taken stood on either side of the pole. In the book/play/Hollywood travel blockbuster.


I can tell you that everything is in hand for trefbash. Having a fitting for some new threads on Thursday morning. Exciting. The cloth is being printed locally in Lincoln. Yellavetowaittoseeit. I’ve not even seen the cloth yet. Just the design concept.

A number of partygoers have already shared pics of their outfits. Some really great on topic tropical dresses out there. Worth putting some effort into this folks. Exactly one month to go. Still time to get your gear sorted.

November 11, 2024

Beeootiful morning in Chelmsford

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 9:29 am

Beeootiful morning in Chelmsford. Sausage bap consumed. Bramwell’s Brown Sauce. Was the only option. I remember getting it from the local M&S Foodstore last time down. M&S don’t do HP or Harrys or owt else. The bangers were Tesco Finest Lincolnshire. I’ve had finer. They don’t have a particularly good line in sausages,Tesco. These were 85% pork if I remember rightly but the alternatives went as low as 47%. Gimme a break.

I don’t really like going to Tescos as I don’t know where anything is and they don’t really do my kind of nosh. Not catering for me really. Sokay. I understand. I know where they/I stand. At least when it comes to sausages. Other things too. Alright if you want potatoes and cheapo sliced bread. Milk.

Anyway ready for a spot of diy, once the household is up and running. In the meantime taking time out to write this stuff.

The house in the ford of Chelm (I assume) is in quite a handy spot. A short walk from the Essex County Ground and a museum. Also the Orange Tree pub we discovered last time down. Hannah and I stopped off there for a cold one as a reward for taking stuff to the tip which is a bit of a drive away but not too far. Funnily enough we have a slot booked at the tip this pm at three thirty…

November 10, 2024

Miller’s T’Ale tshirt

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 2:43 pm

Wearing my Miller’s T’Ale tshirt purchaysed from t’pub of the same name in Peel, IoM. fwiw. I mention this because I’m sat at the desk in the hotel room with a mirror in front of me displaying said text.

The next interesting fact that I think you can’t do without knowing this morning is that the toilet roll currently in use in the bathroom was made at 19:41hrs on the 20th July of this year (2024). In all my nearly sixty three years on this planet I’ve never before noticed this sort of information printed on the inside of the roll/tube.

This could prove to be problematic as I am quite likely to start looking inside the bog rolls at home and start recording the data. After all, the noting of the milkman delivery times is a pleasure no longer afforded to me. We shall see. Maybe this roll was a one off or specific to a certain manufacturer.

There didn’t appear to be a batch number so I guess the manufacturer is not overly concerned about the need to monitor batch to batch quality variations. The other thought that sprung to mind was the fact that when it comes to loo roll when we use it we just unravel it. When it is made the strips of toilet paper need to be rolled onto the cardboard tube. This is clearly done by machine otherwise how would they achieve the uniformity of roll.

There may have been a period of time in the past where this was done by hand. Would have been quite a skilled job to get right. A well rolled bogroll could fetch a  premium. Perhaps a rich person’s treat to themselves. Who knows? I’m speculating here.

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