where art collides philosoperontap

March 5, 2025

Peel pub crawl

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 8:23 am

Six days to go. Been thinking about this and the four weeks is actually up on the monday which is only 5 sleeps so I might do it a day early. Feels ok when I’m just stood still in front of the mirror for example and I’m sure it would be ok to walk on now but I’m sticking with the medical advice. I don’t particularly stand in front of the mirror. Not as if I do my hair every morning or check to see how I look. I’m sure it is fine.

I do need a haircut though. I know because I saw it in the mirror :). Will be a week or three before that gets done. Let’s go wild eh? Hair flowing in the wind as I breeze past the bus stop. I’m wondering if the corner of Queensway might be a suitable target destination this morning (oo says THG). What the heck eh? Life on the edge.

Just waiting for the sausage to finish cooking. Sausages take longer than bacon as you probably know.

I’ve moved my sitting position at the kitchen table to the end nearest the dresser. From this vantage point I can see the whole of the kitchen. Dunno why I didn’t think of it three weeks ago. I can now see the shed and I think this morning will pay it a visit for the first time in over three weeks. Exciting eh? Maybs before I go on my walk, nay expedition. 

Back in the shed. Good to be back. Blimmin cold mind you. Have stuck the heating on. It’ll take a while to get up to temperature as it’s been off a couple of weeks. My sitting position here is far more comfortable than in the snug so I think I’ll start using the shed again now. Staying away was only a temporary measure anyway.

Then went for the walk. Didn’t make it as far as Queensway. Although it’s sunny out there it is still quite cold. However using the shed as a starting point did add distance and I reckon that although I only went as far as the bus stop the walk itself was the furthest I’ve done yet. Especially as I returned down the side of the house and came in through the back door.

A few observations this morning. A woman jogged past, black leggings, blue jacket and grey woollen hat with cute pink bobble, stopped at a black VW Tiguan, put her bag in the car, turned around and ran back past me. When I turned to look she was disappearing into the distance on the other side of the road past Christ Hospital School. Parking on Wragby Road seems to be a thing. No idea what her story was.

Then on my return leg a bald thin bloke on a trike cycled past me with two walking sticks strapped to the back of his machine using bungee straps. There were other pedestrians but none stuck in my mind.

I am now nursing a hot tea in the conservatory. Have decided to ring the location changes more often. The daytime options now are snug, kitchen, conservatory and shed. Almost the whole world.

Peel pub crawl

The Royal
Miller’s T’Ale
The Creek

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