Rocked up in Bower Hinton

Rocked up in Bower Hinton for Kev Boyd’s 60th birthday bash. The Hollies Hotel kitchen doesn’t open until this evening so we were directed to The Old Dairy Caff for a spot of lunch. Great caff fair play. On a farm in the middle of the village. I had a lamb shawarma pitta and THG had the vegetarian equivalent. Also bought a dozen fresh eggs. Looking forward to farm fresh eggs. Much better than the less fresh supermarket ones. Funnily enough the farm was using Tesco branded egg boxes. Perhaps they supply Tesco.

Now back in the hotel watching the cricket on my laptop. The in room telly has Sky Sports but not the specific channel showing the cricket. I say room but it turned out to be an apartment. I booked a suite thinking it would be a bit bigger than a normal room but you could live here on a long term basis. It’s all about quality of life innit.

We stopped off at my sister Ann’s last night and mostly drove along the Fosseway this morning. We are very familiar with the Fosseway in Lincoln but I’d always thought it terminated in Bath. It carries on to Exeter apaz. 

Google tells me Lincoln to Exeter is 261 ish miles  along the Fosseway. Six hour drive plus pitstops. A full day basically. The Romans used to average 20 miles a day so for them it was a couple of weeks journey assuming they had a rest day which they probs didn’t. If I were them I’d have stopped off in Bath for a couple of days to enjoy the spa. Wash away the grime from the journey 🙂Freshen up for the last stretch to Exeter.

Yer average rank and file Roman soldier probs wouldn’t have been able to afford entry to the spa anyway. I doubt the spa management accepted salt as payment. It’s the same the whole world over…

Gotta go. Party to get ready for.

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