roofing tales

Next door is a hive of activity this morning, early. Phil and his roofing team are round there sorting out our rear extension. The old garage. It’s been needing doing for donkeys and now is the time. The store room that it now is gets a bit of damp and fixing the roof will hopefully sort it. All part of the putting the house in the right condition for the next ten or twenty years of occupation.

The old garage, which is at the back of the house, will not have seen a car for many years. Access was down the side of the house with just enough room to hold a vehicle built in the 1930s. Am thinking a Wolseley Super Six or a Riley 1 ½. Austin 10-4 saloon even (I googled all these). Dad used to have a Wolseley. When I were a lad.

Now, with our side extension the garage has been incorporated into the main building, the east wing. It was for a while my office, then a playroom but it eventually degenerated into a general dumping ground and store which is what it is today.

The roofers arrived before eight, urgh. Seven forty five actually. At least Tony next door has left his side gate open and they are just getting on with it without the need to involve me. Got me out of bed anyway which is good.

Have cancelled my stretch and flex class this morning but do have a consultation at twelve with Jess from Prikli Pear who I am talking to about getting a custom shirt made for tropical trefbash. See how it goze. Depends how much she wants to charge really. I guess that depends on how cool I want the shirt to look and therefore how much effort will have to go into it. Yelavetowaitandsee.

I have another meeting tomorrow pm with our graphic designer Jodie to discuss other things for the bash. Again yelavetowaitandsee but some of her excellent work is visible on my Facebook profile. Exciting times. Just invented a new word there. So good I used it twice. I daresay it will end up in the OED someday.

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