where art collides philosoperontap

March 18, 2025

Sea conditions in Trafalgar have improved overnight

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 9:34 am

It will interest you to know that sea conditions for shipping in Trafalgar have improved overnight. The 00.48 Shipping forecast had a warning of gales in the area. Indeed Trafalgar had been the only bit of sea with said warning for at least the previous 24 hours. At 05.20 the warning had disappeared. All is well. Funny how the weather can change just like that innit. No chaotic scientific descriptions as to why this is the case please. We all understand really.

Other than the winds remaining mostly easterly and bringing with them the cold across from the Siberian steppes there was nothing else that stood out in this morning’s forecast. I did observe that Channel Light Vessel Automatic rolls off the tongue. V poetic. You may not have considered it in that light, so to speak. The whole bulletin is pure poetry. They are my capitalisations but it feels as if that is right even though they don’t contribute anything to the artistic value of the name.

After the Shipping Forecast I killed the news briefing as being of no interest to be but in the act of doing this noted that it was to be followed by  Prayer For The Day and Farming Today or similar.

The prayer slot was most relaxing, speaking as it was about tornadoes. Fitted in perfectly as a follow on from the Shipping Forecast I thought. The actual prayer bit was a single sentence right at the end and went something like “may you stay safe from tornadoes”. V good fair play.

Farming Today broke through the slumber with an introduction that focussed on the violence associated with illegal hare coursers. The rest of it seemed to be some inconclusive article on whether plants absorbed microplastics and which made me nod off again.

Finally woke up when the totally gorgeous THG brought the tea tray upstairs. You should know my admiration of her is not solely down to her having brought me a cup of tea in bed. There isn’t room on the page for me to cover all her good points 🙂 

We are up now and have breakfasted well on (THG’s) homemade gran o’la and I am presently sat in the corner of the snug nursing my third cup of tea of the day. The furniture in the snug was rearranged on Saturday morning in preparation for a houseful of rugby fans but we ended up not using the room with everyone preferring the cosy atmosphere of the shed.

The upshot is that my armchair, which is only a temporary resident of the snug, is right next to the TV rendering that appliance effectively unwatchable for anyone (ie me) sat in it. This wasn’t particularly a big deal for last night’s University Challenge as you don’t actually have to be able to see the TV to enjoy the programme. I may have got one answer right btw. I’ve concluded that I’m not really bothered whether I can see the telly in here anyway as there is rarely anything on I want to watch, UC being one of the exceptions.

Another joyful morning to walk to the shed. Showered and shaved etc and feeling fresh. My only issue is that THG left for the gym before I was ready to put my socks on so that pleasure has had to wait until lunchtime. Not a biggie. I spend much of the spring and summer in sandals with no socks,

Finally fixed the printer. Worra palaver. I had to generate a new certificate for it then reboot printer then “forget” printer and add it back.

Today’s walk in the beeotiful lincoln sunshine was 19 mins 22 secs. Same route as yesterday but a bit further on past the Smiths’, past the lamppost and up to the silver birch tree. Passed a postman in his van smiling to himself whilst doing something on his phone. He was either smiling or his face was a little screwed up with the sun in his eyes. We shall never find out.

An ambulance came past going the other way and chose that moment to switch on its siren. Almost made me jump out of my skin. You wonder whether they do it for a bit of fun. Didn’t jump out of my skin as I would appear to have made it home safely. Left hip still giving gyp.

When I got back I set to preparing a mozzarella and tomayto salad for lunch but found that the cheese was still somewhat frozen. Nae botha. It will wait until after my 1 o’clock conf call.

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