Snowing again. Walked to the shed at around eight thirty. Had to switch to a warmer jumper before setting off plus I’m wearing my mustard colour felt hat/fedora/whatever it’s called. Had switched the heating off before leaving on Friday afternoon which makes sense. Sgonna take a while to warm up again now.
The snow ain’t going to last. Not cold enough. Cold enough though. Two degrees according to the boffins at the Meteorological Office. Boffs. The heating is set to twenty one degrees. Half thinking of nipping back to the warmth of the kitchen for half an hour or so but we shall see.
Whilst we were watching a fairly tense Liverpool v Man U game last night played in atrocious conditions I caught up a bit on THG’s family tree. Others had done the work but we currently are back to 1605 in Scotland. Och aye. The Fletcher side of her family only made it to Liverpool at the end of the eighteenth century. Presumably for work. He was a Fletcher but the move wouldn’t have been to make arrows. Unlikely anyway.
The shed has warmed up. Twas fair cawd nay freezin when I got there this morning. Getting back into the swing I have tidied it up a bit and started shredding the pile of waste paper that’s been there for weeks if not months. The pile in the in/filing tray still needs addressing. I’ll leave the shredder in place for a bit as I’m sure I’ll get the motivation to run through that at some time today.
Biggest conundrum right now is where I’ve put my leatherman multitool. I need to open the box with the new neon sign but I’ve put it down “somewhere safe”. Used a broken Stanley multitool I came across when looking for the Leatherman and can confirm the sign is working. Needs properly hanging it its final resting (glowing?) place now.
As part of the tidying I’ve decided to chuck the old acoustic guitar that’s been hanging around forever. Bought it maybe 15+ years ago from the British Heart Foundation shop in Fareham when we were down visiting an ISP we bought. Embarrassingly I’ve forgotten the name. We acquired at least eight in my time. It’ll come to me.
The banjo is also going. It was a thirtieth birthday present to meself (from THG) but whilst I could play it the chord shapes were different to those on the guitar so I always found it easier to just pick up the geetar instead.
Finally the telescope needs a decision on its future. Picked up cheap somewhere but we never really used it.
I also need to decide on a book strategy for the shed. Currently the bookcase is packed with miscellaneous blokey stuff. How to tie knots, wood identification, History of railway signalling. Good stuff like that. I am however thinking I should consolidate all my family history stuff in the shed for ease of access. No rush to decide when things move at the pace of tref.