where art collides philosoperontap

February 7, 2025

snug moments

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 8:45 am

Taking a moment or two to sit down in the snug with a cup of tea before starting the day. The next steps do include the cleansing process discussed yesterday. I have also taken to shaving on a daily basis, fwiw. I realise this doesn’t make me look as rugged as usual but you do have to look after yourself innit. Can’t let standards fall. You won’t be seeing me in a tie anytime soon though. I do possess a boxful that havent seen a neck in decades.

This morning I finished lifting all the tithe data from Llanfihangel Ar Arth (the 1841ish record). Quite interested to see who owned how much land in the area and how many acres were farmed by which tenant. There are quite a few tenant farmers in the Davies history. You can follow the progress of Davies offspring marrying people living on adjacent or nearby farms. They were pretty much all Davieses, Evanses or Joneses with a Phillips or two thrown in for good measure.

I came across a Colonel  John Thomas Weymiss owning lands in the area. No  relation and I wonder whether he ever visited the place. He had 273 acres, give or take a gnat’s eyebrow, including a pub. If it was me I would at least have visited once just to check out the pub. I found a Thomas James Weymiss who was Colonel of the Leicestershire Regiment and became a Lt General with Order of the Bath. Might have been him. These guys typically had a lot of first names. If it was him it seems unlikely he would ever have visited. Just inherited it as part of an estate. Ended his days in Bath. V nice. Probably quite a crusty old geezer, young feller me lad.

Anyway you’ll be able to read all about it in the book someday 🙂 Maybe not the Colonel. Dunno.

Now on hold to the health insurance company. They called to say my claim had not been approved yet so I quoted them from the letter saying it had been approved and giving me details of the treatment that was covered. This has now totally confused them and having passed on this info I have been listening to music on hold for at least ten minutes.

The upshot is that the insurance company has dropped a bollock on this and I’m now scrabbling around to get it sorted. Not helped by the fact that the surgeon only works at this particular hospital on a Tuesday and his secretary doesn’t work Fridays!!!

Packed in early. It is Friday after all. TGI eh? Now watching a documentary about Confucious. Seen it before but don’t mind watching again. Improving the mind innit. Plus there’s bugger all else on I want to watch.

Quiet night in for Tref and THG. We will find something to do. Talk to each other 🙂 Fairly busy weekend ahead what with the rugby and then off round to the vicar’s for Sunday lunch. The one time we had a new vicar round here for lunch, maybe 20 years ago, I dropped the leg of lamb in his lap. Made a bit of an impact. No idea what lies in store food wise on Sunday. Doubt the fatted calf has been killed. Who nose?

Anyway gotta get through the rugby first. Somewhat worried about the Italy v Wales game. Everyone else in the room will be there for the England v France match. England fans one and all. I’ll sit there quietly nursing a beer, or two. I don’t particularly want France to win although if, as is fairly likely, they could do so by a margin greater than the thrashing the gave Wales that would be appreciated.

Now watching a bit of Deep Purple on YouTube. Got a bit bored with Confucious even though it was Bethany wotsername doing the talkie bits. Saw her at the Hay on Wye Literary Festival last year. Didn’t buy her book. She wanted twenty five quid for it! 

Not bought any tickets yet this year. The early bird announcements didn’t really jump out of the page, shake me by the lapel and say pick me, me, me. It is perfectly acceptable in my mind to sit around all day drinking coffee (or beer) discussing matters literary, pronounced lit er rary. Gilbert and Sullivan almost certainly wrote a song about the experience. 

Got a good one for you. THG came back from LIDL. Said she noticed a trail of cream on the floor going all round the store. Turns out it was from a carton of cream in her trolley. The carton was by now empty. It had split open  and dripped all around the shop.

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