where art collides philosoperontap

February 14, 2025

Somewhat bored

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 7:12 pm

Somewhat bored sat here in the armchair in the snug. Have put the snooker on the box. Daytime TV at its finest. THG loves snooker but she is out.

I do get up periodically to move about. For example I’ll get up and make a cup of tea and bring it back to the chair to drink. Then I’ll have to get up to go to the loo. So it isn’t all just sitting on my arse and it is Mark Selby v John Higgins.

Been slowly making progress with the family tree but am looking for that breakthrough discovery and there is only so much staring at the laptop I can do. I have a brief conf call at two but it will only be five mins. Ten max.

Things are slowly improving. After only one day on the opiates I’ve dropped the morphine. It was making me sleepy and I don’t appear to be in much discomfort anyway. Will  in future stick to gin and tonic as my drug of choice. Or Timothy Taylor’s Landlord. The morphine is there if the pain returns.

I can only ascribe the lack of pain to the good job done by the surgeon. Ok I can feel the stitched bit if I land awkwardly in the chair but otherwise nowt. A true artist. Maybe I’m just ‘ard. Oh I’ve lost an arm. Well I’ve got another one.

Losing an arm would be a real nuisance when it came to playing snooker. I’m rubbish at snooker as it is as I have to stare at the ball over the top of my glasses. Every shot would have to be made using the rest. 

Maybe you can have a snooker equivalent of a runner in cricket. Someone to put their hand on the table for you to prop your cue on. In cricket you can only have a runner if you’ve injured yourself during the game so it wouldn’t be considered to be the same sitch as losing an arm. It is unlikely you could lose an arm and then recover in time to get back to the venue to finish off the match. Everything is possible I guess, in the most powerful minds.

Had my first visitor, Ajax. Didn’t bring any grapes but that’s ok.  I wasn’t expecting him or the grapes so it’s a bonus.

THG rang from Waitrose. We are apparently having a Valentine’s Day meal deal for two. Lovely. What’s not to like? She is also likely to have to cook it but she won’t complain. Trooper she is. Is it normal for the bloke to cook the Valentine’s dinner? Dunno. Bound to be nice.

Both Tom and THG are out now. What happens if I fall and hurt myself and am unable to call for help? Don’t worry. I’ll just have to stay sat watching the snooker. 

Long old day in the armchair. It’s early days but definite improvement. Just need to get the wound healed up

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