Somewhat fatigued

Somewhat fatigued now after two weeks in France. We are both looking forward to getting home. Sat in the boarding queue in the drizzling rain. It’s v humid but if we open the window for fresh air the rain comes in.

Pre boarding is nine fifteen but actual boarding is eleven o’clock for an eleven thirty departure. Doesn’t sound enough time to get everyone on and the hatches secured in my mind but I know nooothing. It isn’t like the Hull to Rotterdam ferry where they let you on hours before departure time so that you can spend more money on board. No idea what pre boarding means in our case.

Couldn’t get a priority disembarkation for this boat which also means priority boarding as they put you in the front of the queue. First world problems. The worst thing is the six thirty arrival. They wake you up at least an hour before which means four thirty CET and body clock time. Huh.

Have moved forward to a small security queue. One of the chosen ones! Can’t see whether the guy has his gloves on 😉  We are watching the Olympic swimming on THG’s iPhone. Well she is. All I can tell you is it takes me a good minute to do a 25m length, regardless of whether it is breast stroke or front crawl. THG is much faster than me and always goes in a different lane for faster swimmers.

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