where art collides philosoperontap

April 6, 2016

Wednesday 6th April and I’m feeling good

Filed under: chinks — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 9:28 pm

so had toast for breakfast – student legs!

Didn’t go for a swim this morning which is not good as it burns loads of calories. I’ll never be an Olympic swimmer. I’m the slowest swimmer in the pool anyway. Even the whales go faster than me (non politically correct statement on which I won’t elaborate). Just woke up feeling comfortable so decided to skip the pool.

Had a great night’s sleep. I often wake up at around 2am but not last night. Means you are totally refreshed in the morning. I’ve even gone so far as having a shave! Wotsthatallabout? Thought I should look good for any piece to camera this morning:)

John is going into school today to do some coursework. I think it counts towards his GCSE. Presumably it’s a controlled activity – they used to do coursework at home. Anne would know, being a pro. The others are still in bed and it’s quite nice to get some quiet time in the office before it’s taken over by swotting students.

They both go back this week. Joe has come to the end of his Easter vacation and is catching the train (1st class!) on Friday so as to go to a band rehearsal on Saturday. He is in a lot of bands. Hannah is being chauffeured by yours truly on Sunday. She is going back 2 weeks early to get some work done. Hannah is a very hard working girl and will succeed. This is the run down to her finals.

Nice bit of carrot and coriander soup for lunch made by the fair Anne. After lunch I replaced a broken coat hook in the back porch. We had also decided to have a clear out of coats because there were so many there. Anne did hers first and put back the ones she wanted to keep. Used up 6 out of the 8 hooks available! I therefore had to be fairly selective with mine which is fine.

Did a bit of research for the tracking app for the coast to coast. Think I’m going to stick with the Runkeeper paid version which allows you to broadcast your route progress live on their site. I’m also going to become an Ordnance Survey subscriber. This gives you access to all maps online and also lets you track your route. Their live sharing feature isn’t ready yet though but I like the idea of having a plot of our route on a more detailed map that Runkeeper will be able to give.

With Runkeeper I will also be able to pin images to the route.

Popped down to the station with Jose to pick up some tix. On the way back stopped at the Cardinal’s Hat for the first time then up the hill to see Nige at the Taphouse to get Joe’s tenancy agreement witnessed. Nige gave us a lift home where we cooked a fajita type dish and then settled down to watch Paris St Germain vs Man City in the quarter finals of the European Cup.

Nos da.

Featured image is of student legs.

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