Not yet seven thirty and I’m up, dressed, breakfasted and at it. Got an appointment with the chiropodist at eight. I never thought you would hear me say that but the truth of the matter is that until next tuesday (fingers crossed) I’m not allowed to bend at the hip enough to reach my foot. The consequence is someone else needs to attend to necessary trimming of toenails. THG highly recommends the experience as you get a foot massage and any other treatments deemed necessary for the promotion of healthy feet. In fact it was THG wot insisted I go.
So I called the chiropodist on Monday only to be told she was fully booked until June!!! I’ll repeat those exclamation marks !!! The only way I’d get in earlier was if there was a cancellation. Let’s have a look at the diary. Oh there is a slot available at eight ey em on Wednesday. I’ll take it.
Gotta go. I have an appointment.
Back home by eight thirty five with the whole day ahead of me. Although it was v cold and frosty first thing it is now a beautiful spring day out there and I have temporarily moved operations to the conservatory. The birds are happy.
Will have to give some consideration to the agenda for the day. I sense I am emerging from the hibernation that has been hip hop recovery and able to take on more activity. Some of it will be the walk. I’m only a 100m or so short of Rhod’s house which is my destination tomorrow so perhaps extending yesterday’s stroll by 50m would make sense. Reality is I could do the whole distance now, especially as there will be a pot of tea in between the outward journey and the return leg but let’s take it gradually. My glutes do get sore with the longer walking and the strengthening exercises.
One highlight is going to be a trip to Waitrose. Only my second since H Hour. We are cafe bound to meet friend Phillip to buy him a birthday cuppa. I have a bacon roll in mysights together with a bit of retail therapy. Just a few bits in for lunches n stuff. When the highlight of your day is a visit to the Waitrose caff you realise that something needs sorting 🙂
Having spent much of the time since hip hop working on the family tree I am approaching the point where the law of diminishing returns applies and I can only progress with some external help. This is in hand but much of it involves visiting the area and talking to people.
For example I plan to visit some of the farms where we lived. I’m particularly interested in seeing whether they have any documentation/deeds that go back to the seventeenth century. Will also be nice to just be there and feel the presence of ancestors. Gravestone hunting is also on the agenda. The problem there is the age of some of the gravestones I am looking for might mean they are not particularly readable. Will have to see. Take a scraper/knife with me to get rid of obscuring lichen.
I need to put a daily plan together.
THGs lament
I’m sick to death of sycamore
Every year we get more and more
It’s not a plant that I adore
The pesky weed that is sycamore.
The song of robin and goldfinch filled the clear spring skies above the back garden of THG and Tref making the walk to the shed a pure joy. I was fleeing from the news that THG insists on listening to after lunch. Not my bag maan.
Some people flee war and persecution. I flee the news of war and persecution. That and ignorant world leaders with a fixed smirk on their fake tanned faces.
Shorter walk today having already been out around Waitrose this morning. A truly glorious afternoon in which I noticed the Diamond Cable chambers as I walked along Wragby Road. Sgoing back a bit now is Diamond Cable. Being an all fibre household, internal Cat 5 E cabling apart, we dispensed with the need for cable.