where art collides philosoperontap

March 31, 2013

Pommes de terre a la provencal

Filed under: the art gallery,thoughts — Tags: , — Trefor Davies @ 7:00 am

I like a spud: baked spud, chips, pommes Lyonaise, mash, shepherd’s pie, pommes Boulangere, gratin, fried, sauteed, steamed, plain boiled, Jersey Royal, King Edward, Maris Piper, Desiree, Charlotte, Pink Fir Apple, Dauphinoise, roast, crisps, salt and vineegar, plain, ready salted, cheese and onion, beef, roast chicken, jacket, skins, Fondant, Gallette,crushed, Rosti, Parisienne, french fries

January 1, 2013

steam and sizzles on a sunday

Filed under: the art gallery — Tags: , , , — Trefor Davies @ 6:43 pm

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