where art collides philosoperontap

March 21, 2010

The Strugglers

Filed under: the art gallery — Tags: — Trefor Davies @ 9:28 pm

Landlords at the Strugglers Inn, Westgate, Lincoln.

1838 Philip Ball
1854 Mary Ann Ball
1856 Philip Ball Jnr
1869 Charles Frost
1875 William Roberts
1890 Thomas Thorndyke
1899 Charles Hagues
1904 Frank Brumpton
1917 Harriet Brumpton
1924 Patcick Markham
1935 Arthur Woodcock
1944 Amelia Wardle
1960 Charles R Wood
1966 Frank Ormsby
1988 Philip Hockney
1996 Anthony Reany
1996 Christopher Mansell
15/10/1999 Heidi Raabe


Note I’m going to have to go back and check some of these names.  I can’t understand my own handwriting sometimes, especially after a beer.

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