The baby crow

The baby crow is still hanging around our back garden. Yesterday one of its parents was hovering in the vicinity being quite vocal but no sign of it this morning.Given up! I’m surprised the little critter has survived this long. Presumably can’t fly.

Sue has made great progress with scything the lawn. The harvest, should we be bothered to gather in the hay, will keep the cattle going over winter. Except we don’t have any, and it wouldn’t anyway as the lawn ain’t that big. Nice idea though.

We didn’t use a scythe. @Mike lent us his strimmer. Thanks Mike.

As I write the parent crow has returned and is watching over the youngster. I can see now the kid has a broken wing. Nature at work.

Great day out yesterday. Down south to the Sound then Port St Mary and Port Erin. Ended up at Sue Moore’s house in Cronk y Voddy with a perfect view of the racing. Sue was the perfect host. The first race, the Supertwin, was red flagged during the second lap. The rider came off at Handley’s Corner, just a mile or so down the track from where we were stood. Chopper landed there and spent some time before taking off again. The rider is apparently in a stable condition.

We stayed for the first three laps of the Senior TT. The race was curtailed from six laps to four due to the need to squeeze in a couple more races delayed from yesterday and a couple of “parade” laps. There is a massive difference in speed and power between the Senior and the Supertwin. By leaving with one lap to go we were able to avoid the rush hour crowds leaving the farm field at Cronk y Voddy and were back in the nearly empty Whitehouse pub within minutes.

We were joined by Mike and the Fletchers with their guests but opted not to head off for the pizza afterwards.

Another leisurely day ahead. Cooking a leisurely breakfast followed by getting a leisurely beef stew going. Ah the life of leisure. It is a Sunday, apparently. Too early for the bells of St German’s to strike up. Our house is in the shadow of the cathedral.

Beef stew going on top of the stove. I normally do it in the oven but we ain’t got the right pans in our house in Peel so saucepan on top of the stove it is. Means I’ll have to watch it awhile until it can prove to me it is on a stable simmer.

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