the ferry in Portsmouth harbour

Another bright and beautiful morning to be enjoyed by all creatures great and small. Good lie in after hitting the hay at nine pee em. A great day out at the cricket in which the Windies overtook our score and set a first innings lead which is great. Makes a game of it. Sense this game could be heading for a draw though as we don’t seem to be able to knock the wickets back at any great rate.

Today we set off for France. Fair stands the wind but our ship will not be relying on sails to get there.

Good day’s criquet yesterday. A dramatic moment when the Windies number 11 hit a six and the ball clattered onto the roof of the bar behind us bringing some tiles down on the spectators below. It was generally one of those classic days of test cricket where nothing happened too quickly and the game plodded along steadily.

More or less ready to go. A few last min bits to sort out plus a trip to the market to buy picnic supplies for the journey.

The queue for the ferry in Portsmouth harbour is busy enough. People milling around having checked in but now waiting to board the boat. We are right at the front and a couple of lanes across a load of French Masonic bikers have rolled up. I used google lens to check it out – Widows & Sons. Fwiw.

The lights have come on around the port. We are sat immediately in front of a big neon sign distributing advertising and messaging to anyone who cares to have to stare at it because there is nothing else really to look at. This is how i disc=overed that the change from using GB stickers on your car to UK was insisted uponby the UK government. Wft? Pathetic.

Mind you it annoys the hell out of me that the British Olympic team is called Team GB. Rubbish. What’s wrong with calling them GB?

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