The milkman came at four thirty three

The milkman came at four thirty three this morning. I heard him. It was already light out. He was wearing a short sleeved shirt.

It is a mild source of dismay that the days are now getting shorter. This happens every year for some reason 🙂After the mid winter depression we rejoice that the days are lengthening and before we know it the process goes into reverse. The message here is that you need to enjoy them as much as possible while you can. Get that bbq going. Wear shorts. 

We will be eating al fresco this evening prior to the Nile Rodgers gig. Am taking the teppanyaki grill with us to Sherwood Pines. Not quite the same as a portable bbq but more generally useful as it can be used to cook breakfast and takes up less space. Hopefully someone will have a bbq with them. 

The space isn’t so important in a moho compared with a VW campervan but that’s why we don’t have a portable bbq. We have a small charcoal one but that isn’t quite as good as a gas job and a lot messier.

Before we go I have a few jobs to do. Need to make some salad dressing and some bbq marinade. Bought some nice olive oil and white wine vinegar yesterday so the dressing will be a good un. Makes a big difference using quality ingredients. I also bought a variety of salads and we will pick some lettuce from the greenhouse before setting off. 

Plus I have to pack the car as we are driving round to Camper UK to pick up the moho and don’t want to bring it back to ours. Too big for comfort to get it through the gateposts. Mahoosive, especially compared with THGs little Peugeot. I no longer have a car of my own.

The one car family bit has not been the slightest imposition. We live in town anyway and most places are walkable. Must get the tyres on my bike sorted – just need inflating.

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