The most interesting news this morning

The most interesting news this morning comes in the Guardian where it states that visitors to Copenhagen are being offered free drinks and skiing as part of the city’s efforts to lure tourists. The caveat appears to be that you have to be well behaved and use public transport or ride a bike. Simple enough I’d have thought although the ride a bike bit could involve an element of personal risk. 

Being a pedestrian in Copenhagen, as I recall, involves having eyes in the back of your head as you not only need to avoid cars but trams and cyclists as well. As a cyclist you have to avoid other cyclists, trams and cars but also tourists who have been on free drinks and are unfamiliar with the road system.

Not much else of note happened over the weekend. 

Today though is a different ball game. The sun is shining and our excellent meteorological office tells me that we can expect the temperature to rise to a sweltering twenty one degrees on the deck outside the shed.

This should mean that not only can I expect to have assembled the new lawnmower but also deployed it. I might also reasonably expect to do a bit more sorting in the garage and perhaps even a trip to the tip. Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves though. There is tea to be consumed.

The milkman came at five oh seven and it was still light.

A kettle has been installed in the shed and there is milk in the fridge. This is important because we have a load of Spanish kids in the kitchen this morning and I don’t want to have to engage with them. They’ll be gone soon.

In the meantime the lawn mower assembly turned out to be a doddle. All I have to do is stick the batteries in and my uncle’s name is Bob.

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