The rain mostly kept off whilst THG did the 5k

The rain mostly kept off whilst THG did the 5k. Anfield to Anfield ending up in the stadium for photos. I met her at the finishing line but only managed a quick congratulatory kiss before momentum took her on and inside the ground with the other “fun” runners. The rain then began in earnest and I retreated underneath the canopy outside the Liverpool FC shop to wait.

We had risen earlier than usual on a Sunday (or any other day for that matter) and THG went down for breakfast before me. Uber got us to the ground forty five minutes before the start but the other twelve hundred runners all had the same idea and the queue to pick up tshirt and runner number was mahoosive. Went down quickly enough though and then she was off.

Now back in the hotel room with a nice cup of tea looking down over the park at Liverpool One. Whereas yesterday it was full of people this morning there is only an occasional walker to be seen. Pretty soon the pubs will start filling up – indoor activity on a wet day in September.

We have slightly rejigged our plans. Some relaxation time before nipping to the John Lewis caff. Then this evening we are “hitting” Lark Lane, the street of a thousand restaurants or so I’m told.

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