where art collides philosoperontap

March 15, 2015

The Rectors of St Margaret’s Church Hemingby

Filed under: thoughts — Trefor Davies @ 11:17 am

Fascinating list of The Rectors of St Margaret’s Church Hemingby.There are quite a number of observations to be made here but I’ll let you come up with your own. You’re no longer a child.

1281 * Sir Alexander of Algakirk
1281 Thomas of Bratoft
1337* Alan de Hatecly
1377 John de Greetwell
not found
1497c Sir John Radclyff
1525c John Brown
1525 Robert Marram
1560c John Williamson
1560 Robert Williamson
1572 Sir John Hodgshon
1576 Sir William Wetherby
1580 Sir Thomas Cadebie
1586 Christopher Barkwith
1594 Simon Sturtevant
1597 William Herne
1601 Thomas Johnson
1608 James Leman
1632 Richard Sansam
1662 Edmund Trevillion
1665 John Smelt
1668 Roger Wright
1688 Peregrine Wallett
1711 Zachary Gray
1728 Joseph Carr
1768 Athanasius Herring
1791 Richard Pelham
1828 Harry Pearce
1831 George John Depuis
1840 George Thackeray
1876 Edward Bengough
1905 Wilfrid Isaacs
1937 J.C.Dawson
1947 L.E.Barker
1950 George Whitfield
1983 John Legg
1989 David Lawrence
1999 Colin Macdonald
2002 Vacant
* = before and up to this date
c = about this time

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