There is a bustle to Chapel Market

There is a bustle to Chapel Market in the morning as stallholders arrive to put up their shops. They were still doing this at ten o’clock which seemed a bit late to me but some of them were already doing a good trade. The fruit and vegetable stall seemed to have some great deals. A punnet full of root ginger for a pound for example. Would have been a quid for each piece in the supermarket. A chap walked past me carrying a bulk pack of blue paper rolls. Shopholders spoke to each other and tidied up their storefronts.

I am not due anywhere until twelve and pondered getting my hair cut but figured I’d leave that until tomorrow when I have most of the day free.

Back at the hotel I whipped a large bottle of sparkling mineral water from the exec lounge and sat in the lobby for a while drinking it. Looking around there were a mixed bag of people but mainly blokes with open laptops catching up, presumably, on their emails.

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