There is a laundrette in Peel

There is a laundrette in Peel. This I know because I am currently using it to do a load of washing. £7 for a load that will take twenty six minutes to wash. I thought twenty six minutes was a little on the low side but the very helpful lady who works there, Paula, told me it was down to a combination of the water in the IoM and the efficiency of the machines. Industrial strength obvs.

It was a good job that Paula was there as I might otherwise have taken some time to work out what to do. It was very easy if you knew. In the meantime I’m having a cuppa in the Peel Beach Kiosk, a mere sixty metres away. I did try the Harbour Lights Cafe but they didn’t seem to have their act together. Bought a souvenir mug from the kiosk.

In a few minutes time I shall return to the laundrette to move the now clean but wet washing to one of the tumble driers where Paula assures me that the insertion of four big ones (ie £s) will see the drying process through to completion. A pound gives you six minutes of drying time.

THG has set off up Peel Hill and we plan to meet at the Breakwater Cafe upon her return. She will likely get up and down before the washing and drying process is done.

Now sat outside the laundrette having stuck my first couple of quid in. You have to be careful because different machines take either Manx, British pound coins or either/both. I used up my British with the wash and am now eating into the Manx with the dry. All good stuff innit.

This is a very new experience although in one sense quite regressive. As mentioned yesterday I used to use a laundrette when living in Waldeck Street in Lincoln. Usually got the service wash which ain’t an option here but it turns out to be easy to do 🙂

In one sense this is all part of the return to simpler living. Just booked a Premier Inn for a night in August. OK this is only because we are off to see Joe and Lucy and there is no nearby Hilton. £84 instead of the £320 I’ve already paid in advance for the Waldorf in July!

Laundrette life has a simplicity to it. Feels good. Not as useful as having your own kit in your own utility room at home but then again we ain’t at home. Two pounds turned out not to be enough but Paula did say it would need four.

My clothes are now clean and dry and I have enough to last until I get home in a week’s time. All is well.

It is a public holiday here on the Isle. Hadn’t realised. No racing as yet today though. Bleedin weather. We return to the mainland on Wednesday. 

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