There’s a bright golden haze on the meadow. The first year’s planting has been a success and bodes well for subsequent seasons. I have loads of seeds left in the box and I’ll need to consider where they might be scattered next year for further meadow growth. Meadows are defo where it’s at. Maybe I’ll distribute some in the hedgerows around the allotments. No rush.
Meanwhile the sun is out and it promises to be another glorious day in the shire. Aaaargh. We are having a leisurely breakfast. Not even started mine. Some bacon and sausage to use up. Stuff like that. Mind you not sure I really want a hot breakfast when a hot day lies ahead. Needs must.
Now sat on the deck surveying the empire. THG informs me the fire pit is still hot from Friday night so that’ll stay where it is for now. It’s a 2 man job to move it anyway. The deck is perfectly shaded at this time of day. At nine o’clock It is already a perfect temperature but will get hotter. The birds sound happy
Well that’s the Olympics more or less over for another four years. Time to move on. Doubt we will watch the closing ceremony. If it is anything like the opening ceremony it won’t be worth bothering. There is a really good documentary from the footplate of the Flying Scotsman I can watch again The disappointing thing is that the football season is now starting. I’ll be concentrating on the cricket over the next few weeks. The football will wait.