THG is tucking into breakfast

A few moments of reflection and repose. THG is tucking into breakfast but I am waiting for George to rise as he has been promised a full English before setting off dahn sarf. I Vow To Thee My Country is playing on the wireless. Sunday Service. Sounds a bit muted. Perhaps the enunciation could be better. Need more clarity. Now the vicar has kicked in. Talking about votes. Time to switch off. Classic FM maybs.

A dullish day ahead which we hope will not detract from Rob and Jen’s garden party. There’s no such thing as bad weather…

Before then I have a trip to the tip planned. The old freezer is going. Always assuming we can fit it in the car. If not I might have to buy some welding gear and break it up into smaller chunks 🙂Not really.

Emma Raducanu is playing on Centre Court at around three thirty. I’ve lost interest in her since she blew out our Andy denying him one last appearance on the hallowed turf. Lawns really but turf sounded better. Couldn’t imagine our back garden lawn being as pristine as those at Wimbledon.

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