where art collides philosoperontap

August 14, 2024

THG’s finest home made granola

Filed under: diary — Trefor Davies @ 8:06 am

THG’s finest home made granola with yo’gurt and berries on the deck this morning. THG makes great granola. I bought the yo and the berries. My contribution. Slooking like another fine day ahead although slightly overcast right now. About five degrees warmer in Chelmsford than at home. Deep south innit.

Had a good afternoon out in the city yesterday. Work but nothing too onerous. Ended up in City Spice which apparently is the best curry house on Brick Lane, so they tell us 🙂. I had a lamb madras. Was good fair play.

Our last operational day here before moving on to Tooting tomorrow. Tooting has an open air swimming pool, the Lido, which is apparently 90m long and unheated! We are booked in at something like 3.30pm. Joy 🙂

We are staying at Tooting’s finest Premier Inn. It is quite a few years since I stayed at a Premier Inn. There are few options in Tooting. I seem to remember them as being a bit of a step up from a Travelodge.

I always stayed at Travelodges when at Timico. The company policy meant that Hilton’s et al were excluded on the basis of price. Senior managers would sometimes whinge about this but I would say if it was good enough for me… Haven’t stayed at a Travelodge since packing it all in ten years ago. They are pretty crap really.

Our Joe lives in Tooting hence the visit. There is a bbq in prospect with a full Davies and partners turnout. Shud be gud. Should be gould. Something like that. We are gathering in the pub ovver the road first. What’s not to like.

But that is all for tomorrow. Today is another roll up the sleeves job. Well I’m wearing a tshirt so not rolling up the sleeves per se. The sleeves are already rolled up in a tshirt aren’t they?

I have to put up some corner shelves in the bathroom and cut down some knobs whose screws are too long for their intended purpose, apaz. Tbh I’m not sure about that one yet but I haven’t really sized it up. Brought a junior hacksaw with me. The shelves will be ok. I bought some tungsten carbide tipped drill bits specially for the job. It’s always good to find an excuse to buy more tools. There is also a Sam Fender picture frame to put up and a mirror. Eat yer heart out Bob the Builder 🙂

BTW I haven’t mentioned it for a while but lots of you will already have clocked the fact that this year’s trefbash is going to be the last one. Jodie the extremely excellente graphics designer from Fuse2 is working on some options for a logo and I anticipate next month putting it to a vote aka last year.

The theme is “tropical”. I figured tropical would allow for lots of colourful creativity when it comes to fancy dress. Also lots of good music. This year the band is going to have a bigger lineup. There will be lots of dancing, tropical cocktails and great food. Not worked out what the food is going to be yet. Thoughts?

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