to tidy a logpile

Swim booked for 9.15 this morning so up and at it early for a spot of invigorating granola n yo. A few freshly picked berries thrown in for colour. Well they were freshly picked at some stage. Good kip 6h43m with a score of 84 @Domhnal.

Looking a bit hazy out there but the forecast is for sunshine. It will no doubt be the weather for making some more inroads into the woodpile. There is something deeply satisfying about a good pile of logs. It is currently a haphazard assembly thrown there with no sense of tidiness or appearance. 

The area under the actual log store is full of old fence and bits of discarded furniture that really needs extracting and sorting/chopping down into kindling. Assuming I can actually get to it. The problem is some of the logs in the way are fairly substantial and need cutting down to size. There are also a few thicker branches that are good for the stage between kindling and logs. Don’t fret pet, I’ll sort it.

I have several wood related books. Well two. Must be a thing. I’d quite like to get into a bit of woodworking but currently there are other priorities.

As I wait for The Head Gardener to be ready to go to the pool there is a bird chirping away in the garden. Why wouldn’t you want to chirp on a lovely sunny day in late autumn. I wonder what he or she is saying. Lifting up its head and belting away for anyone who wants to listen. Life is good. Enjoy it.

Some very noisy fast jets just took off from RAF Waddington. I scanned the skies looking for them but was dazzled by the sun. Just like in the Battle of Britain. Gotta be careful. Dakkadakkadakka. Eventually I saw a small black shape disappearing into the northern aether. Continued along the path to the shed with pot of tea in hand.

Can’t get over how nice a morning it is. The shed doors are wide open once more. Indian Summer. Clinging on to the real thing.

The line is full of washing that will almost certainly be dry. Except perhaps for the swimming togs I just hung out. I have two lots on the line because I left the ones from yesterday overnight. No dramas 🙂

I dunno about you but I quite like writing about everyday stuff. If you look at what others write in the media it is full of political crap, disasters and the fact that some member of the royal family is now forty years old and has changed a lot since he was thirty. Well tbh who gives a flying f&*k.

Some of the news is probably relevant to me. Might affect how much tax I pay or whether I can heat the house over the winter but I pay people who like to dabble in such matters to sort things out. I don’t want to have to do their job. I just vote.

Life itself is a work of art that should be able to entertain and keep us happy. It does help if you can apply a splash of colour to the canvas but it can’t be a non stop rainbow. Life has different shades and hues obvs.

There is a medium sized dark green trug full of kindling on the deck in front of the shed. Chopped up bits of fence. I am going to transfer the wood to a larger trug and fill that up. I have a yellow one with a split in the plastic that is perfect for the job. I keep a hand axe in the shed especially for this purpose.

The deck btw has improved since I cleaned it up and applied the preservative. No longer slippery. Rosso when he was here putting up the new fence in the front, also screwed some of the edging back in that was coming apart. It should now be good for a few more years. I’ve moved the planter onto the path in front as the base was rotting and not doing the deck any good. 

The deck looks a lot better and there is more room now for folk to sit around a table during the summer months. I just need to source a good solid bench to finish it off.

As well as tidying the woodpile there is some old wiring I need to get rid of at the side of the deck. This is not a huge job. Just need to do it. It isn’t even on the jobs list which is normally a prerequisite for anything to get done.

Remember, remember the twelfth of December, cocktails, dancing and trefbash.

Been quite a busy lad. Tidied up the logpile a bit more as mentioned. There is now a path to the woodstore. More to do but a lot of it relies on the big logs being cut down to a sensible size which will have to wait until Tom the Tree Man comes to do his annual hedge maintenance. Sometime this coming winter. Lots of kindling now in the yellow trug under cover of the store on top of the logs. That is enough for today, probs.

Removed the old cabling and box that had been there to connect the floodlights on the old trellis from the pre shed days.. Still some armoured cable there but I couldn’t pull it through. I’ll need to get my spade out to get at it. Manana. My god it is all happening.

This is great stuff to do while the weather is nice. Not too hot either. Looks like another good day tomorrow. Progress, progress.

Listening/half watching to Young Boys v Aston Villa. Have heard of very few of the players. The one that does stick in the mind is Onana, assuming that’s how you spell his name. Only because it sounds like the lyrics of a song: Onana, na onana, na onana onanah.

I like some sports people just because the name rolls off the tongue. Novak Djokovic for example is another very poetic name. Then there was Divok Origi, he’s my baby. Not really. It’s a song  Dewsbury-Hall sounds like a stately home. I always say Phil Foden’s name the wrong way round. Foden, Phil sounds better to me.

I’m sure there are others. There was Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink which is a v cool handle. Don’t think he’s playing anymore. Whenever there’s a Davies on the pitch I always call him cousin so and so (insert actual name).

Anyway that’s all. I thought I’d share that with you. The football match itself holds no interest to me whatsoever.

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