Totes bootiful day in prospect

Totes bootiful day in prospect. I expect an ideal combination of relaxation and productivity. Bit more garage clearing out, a swim, stuff like that. Start the packing for France as Friday and Saturday are going to be wipeouts.

I’ve started unsubscribing from sites sending me emails I wasn’t interested in. My “social” tab was easy as that was all LinkedIn. Email from LinkedIn are of no interest whatsoever. I also deleted around 12k emails from my “promotions” tab which is now empty. Stuff does come in but I either unsubscribe or leave depending on the source and then delete. 

Time will tell if the unsubscribes work as they often come from complex mailer addresses. I used to get spammed with press releases from vaguely tech related sites when I was actively writing for but that has dwindled, nay gone. Must be eight years since I stopped writing that blog.

The most pleasing aspect of my email strategy is the amount of crap I get on my hotmail address. I use that exclusively to register with wifi hotspots in pubs etc and if I need to provide an email address on website I might have had a vague interest in once, maybe. My hotmail address is rammed with rubbish.

I am now sat tapping away in the shed with the doors wide open and a pot of tea brewing on the desk in front of me. I like to start the day with tea and a bit of ritin. Breakfast was a very satisfying granola, yo’gurt and berries. THG’s home made granola is the best and can leave you filled up for the day despite only having a small portion. When I smugly ordered granola on the Hull to Rotterdam ferry in May I thought I was doing the right thing but the bowl turned out to be massive and I couldn’t finish it all! Would have fed a family of four.

The critical aspect of the improving weather outlook is the days out at Trent Bridge planned for Friday and Saturday. Saturday is not without risk as the current tourists have not demonstrated staying power. Hopefully they will last to the end of day three. We are in the members only Larwood & Voce stand which has a bar at the back so we will be ok one way or another.

I’ve been a good boy since the NetUK1 conference the week before and the days out at the cricket will represent a break from that. You need to keep hydrated in the heat.

Milkman arrived at three twenty three wearing a polo shirt. Must be reasonably warm at that time of day.

Coco Chanel. Heard her name on the telly. THG is watching some sewing programme so I’m doing stuff on my laptop whilst listening to tunes in order to drown out the chatter. The noise of the sewing machines. Chatter chatter chatter chatter. THG does a bit of sewing herself. Dab hand fair play.

Saw a documentary on Coco a while back. V interesting woman. I’m looking for some inspiration here. Ain’t coming. Nothing I want to watch on any media. Finished watching Anything Goes earlier. Totes fantastic musical.

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