two pints clinched firmly in hand

He’s back. He came at five thirty this morning, two pints clinched firmly in hand. I was awake and heard him. Forgot he was coming.

It’s been a month. We’ve been away. A lot. This is the latest he’s ever been, at least when delivering to us. I reckon he was late to bed last night watching the England football match. I assume he is English but have no basis for thinking this other than we live in England and the dairy is based in Newark.

Sat in the conservatory and the birds are quite vociferous this morning. The usual crowd: blackbird, robin and wren. Sgood. There is also a wood pigeon but I don’t count that one. Don’t like em. V noisy lot. 

It was light by four thirty. Not far off the longest day now. Doesn’t feel as if we have done much summery stuff yet. The Isle of Man was mostly freezing. This week is supposed to be warmer.

THG was v excited about the football. They did win but as usual you always felt they could have done better. I have only a passing interest in this but did sit with her through the game to provide moral support. Also it was part of the deal when I bailed out of going to see Lenny Henry at the Hay Festival and went to watch the FA Cup Final with Rhys instead.

In the back garden the grass is desperately in need of a cut. I’ll get that done today, probs. The towels we hung out after yesterday’s swim sway gently in the breeze. They will be dry by now.

Time to make the tea.

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