unpasteurized Isigny Ste Mer salted butter

Tis eight fifteen of a morning and I have moved operations to the conservatoire with a cuppa tea. The sun is streaming in through the open door highlighting the fact that the macbook screen needs cleaning. Later, later. The gubbins are in the shed.  The cleaning fluid and microfibre cloth that is.

We have breakfasted healthily ish on a large ripe Waitrose avocado on Lidl brown sourdough toast. I had a smear of unpasteurized Isigny Ste Mer salted butter and a rasher of Duchy Organic unsmoked organic bacon, both also from Waitrose. The smashed avocado included a chopped red chilli and some crushed walnuts with a squirt of lemon juice.

Apparently today is a public holiday. We know this because most of the gym classes at Yarborough Leisure Centre have been cancelled, not that I was down to attend any. THG would have been.

This morning a stroll to the Bailgate is in prospect. At eleven the massed marchers of the Asylum Steam Punk event will begin their parade, starting through the Castle Westgate, going round the outside and back in through the Eastgate, the main entrance. We plan to assemble in Castle Hill to watch with curiosity. Although not my bag it is harmless fun and Steam Punk aficionados do put in a lot of effort with their outfits fair play to them. Should get some pics.

In the meantime relaxation is called for. I do plan to try and squeeze in a swim and maybe even a bike ride later today. We aren’t talking many miles here or kilometers even. Perhaps the cycling equivalent of a stroll to the Bail. Cycling is slightly riskier than walking. Take care.

As I write THG has entered the conservatory to discuss dates in her calendar. To cut a long story short I discovered that the Fleetwood Town v Salford City match due to be played on 7th September is postponed. Wossgoinon? Google tells me it is because the home side has three players away on international duty that weekend. We are talking fourth division football here. Perhaps we can expect big things of Fleetwood Town this season. Wonder which countries the players are representing.

THG has no interest in Fleetwood Town but we are in Liverpool that weekend for her 5k at Anfield Stadium on the Sunday and we did wonder whether there was a home game the day before. No.

Being a man of leisure I’ve scanned the morning news for some good cheer. There is none, on the first screen in anycase, unless you count the fact that Australians have been given the right to ignore work emails when they finish their officially contracted hours. 

Of the bad news the most interesting is that fish and chips have seen the biggest inflationary price rises of all British takeaway types with a portion now averaging almost a tenner. Woot! Makes a family day out quite expensive dunnit. 

Even kebabs have gone up 44% apaz. I might have fish and chips once a year when on a day out at the coast. A kebab perhaps twice a year when out on the pop somewhere. Probs not even twice a year. I’ve never noticed the price. All I can say is that you always regret having a kebab after eating it.

Saw the Steam Punk parade. Interesting enough but really not my thang. Went for a cawfee afterwards with THG who rushed on ahead to the cathedral coffee shop and bagsied us a table before the hordes of parade watchers flooded in looking for the same. In the caff it was really nice to see Lofty (Paul) Lowbridge who I used to work with back in the old Marconi days. Not seen him for years.

Coffee consumed THG set off to see the embroidery display in the chapter house and I set the coordinates for home. As I was leaving the cathedral gardens I noticed a traffic warden striding purposefully towards the line of on-street 1 hour parking spots on Eastgate. Rich pickings for him as most of the parked cars will have been there for the parade and thus likely to have been more than an hour.

As I passed him writing down number plate information I noticed that his cap had the words “Civil Enforcement Officer” (CEO!) or similar emblazoned on his hat band. Clearly the phrase Parking Warden has run its course. I wonder if they are on commission?

Back ome now.

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