Hedged my bets with an incinerator
The weather today has been cold but sunny. I took advantage of the sun to get out in the garden and use the incinerator I bought yesterday. It’s very satisfying for us blokes to set things alight. In the incinerator it was all controlled stuff:)
Having got the fire going and added some of the old MDF flat pack rubbish on the heap behind the trellis I had time to get on and finish off trimming the hedge. Timing wise it worked really well. I’d top up the fuel in the incinerator, trim a bit of hedge, collect the trimmings and put them on the incinerator.
It was a lot easier to do it in stages than to trim the whole hedge and have to rake up all the trimmings in one go.
After four hours on the job I’d more or less finished the hedge and burned most of the crap. It was quite satisfying to note that I’d cracked on with it for four continuous hours. Before I started this exercise regime I wouldn’t have been able to do that.
We did have a couple of small bouts of hailstones whilst I was working. Made me decide not to walk to Hackthorne. It was a North Wind and the hedge had taken a lot longer than anticipated. I’d decided to crack on and get the whole job done. We can do the Hackthorne bluebell walk another year. Although other parts of the country have it we have no snow forecast which is a shame. I like snow.
In other news England walloped Italy in Rome. Some of the boys are out there for the weekend. They chose a good match to go and see if you are an England supporter.
Tonight we are having roast pork. I’ll be making the gravy. There will inevitably be some wine involved. I’ve been a good boy this weekend and had no booze but my toothache has returned today and the only cure seems to be swilling whisky around the tooth. It means that I’m in the mood for a drop more with the meal:)
PS although it’s Valentine’s Day we don’t do that kind of thing anymore
More pics here.
Vids below: