Warm house this morning. Wasn’t cold before but the heating was not quite up to scratch. Had the boiler serviced yesterday and in respect of the heating not working properly all the plumber had to do was increase the speed of the pump. At least it didn’t involve a new boiler which we only had a few years ago.
Had me granola and now contemplating the day ahead. It was the last of the granola so hopefully another batch will magically appear. THG makes great granola. Fair play. Got a bit of work to do but nothing that will get in the way of life. Actually I quite like doing a bit of work once I get in to it.
Red arrows just flew by. I assume it was them or it could have been a jet from RAF Waddington. Sounded quite low. I’ve given up dashing to try and see them as they’ve always gone behind a tree or a rooftop by the time I get into the open. When I can see them they are usually quite high up and no good for photography.
The only thing I have in the diary today is “pay tax”. Fairly sure I did this in December though many festive spirits have flowed since that time and I’m not totes 100% positive. Could check the bank account I suppose. Obvs I have other things I could be getting on with. We do need to chop down the diseased apricot tree but this is something I might leave to an offspring. I can lop off the branches easily enough with my branch lopper (natch).
They’ve flown by again! Five times now and I saw them as I was walking to the shed. Just the two planes flying very low. As low as is permissible I imagine. Normally you see more than two of them practising formation flying.
Many years ago when we lived in Greetwell Gate our neighbour Al did a stint at RAF Cranwell running the multi engined flying training. The time came for him to move back to his day job at BRize Norton so he got permission from the CO to take me up in the jump seat when he was on a training run. They don’t let just anyone go up you know but I was pitched as a VIP, being on the executive of the Parliamentary Space Committee (breathes on fingernails and rubs them on jumper).
Worra day that was. Crap weather but I got a tour of the base including the ops room where you could see who was flying where that day. Noone was allowed to come within a certain distance of a royal flight, fwiw.
Then we kitted up and spent an hour low flying over Lincolnshire including a couple of flypasts of the cathedral and our house. Unfortunately I had a crappy camera and it was raining so I didn’t get particularly good photos. That night, after a couple of beers in the officers’ mess Al and I went out on the lash in uphill Lincoln ending up, as you do, with a curry at the Raj Douth as was.
The Raj Douth was on Eastgate and very close to the Bishop’s Palace. It was my custom and practice when on the way home after a few beers to nip inside the gate of said palace and relieve the pressure in the bushes. Al, being a serving officer, declined the opportunity. Wouldn’t have looked good if he had been caught.
Nowadays the house is a former Bishop’s Palace, is privately owned and has electric gates that stay closed so the pleasure is no longer available to me. It was only a couple of hundred yards from our house and I could have waited until I got home to use the loo but the mischievous side of me liked the element of risk involved, albeit low.
Telling you all my secrets here. Better stop before I say anymore…