westward ho

A few minutes of repose before dropping THG off at the gym and heading to Waitrose. Busy busy busy. Already been down to Fosters for bacon and sausages. Apart from the food shop I am more or less packed. Oh and something to wear tomorrow night. Decisions decisions.

Big news btw. THG found the spare car key. Hanging up next to the potting shed keys. Whodathunk. That’s one thing less to worry about, not that I was particularly worried. These things have a habit of turning up at some point or other. Sometimes, as was once the case with my wallet, after you’ve cancelled all the bank cards and applied for a new driving license. Hey…

The Silver Bullet is now heading west towards the setting sun. Not that the sun is setting yet, at least not in our part of the world. Hasn’t even reached its zenith. Plenty of daylight ahead of us. It should still be daylight when we arrive at our destination but three hours nearer to sunset. More after our mid journey pit stop. Driver change etc. Bit like the Le Mans 24 hr race but different.

Our journey takes us past the Lincolnshire Showground where a new McDonalds is opening on the 23rd October (you saw it here first). The site is a hive of machinery activity. I suspect there might be a service station going in there as well. Makes alorra sense. Not sure Maccy Ds fits well with the farming related brand of the Showground. Also they seem to be gradually building on bits of the, admittedly large, car park. It’s about the filthy lucre.

Near to the showground is RAF Scampton. The protesters and their paraphanalia have disappeared since the new government killed off the plans to turn the base into an immigration holding centre. Let them stay in someone else’s back yard.

The harvest has been safely gathered in from the large open fields of Lincolnshire, now full of stubble. They will soon be under the plough. Amazingly we have just passed a trattr carrying what looked like a large plough headed in the other direction.

On the M62 saw a lorry pulling a brand new trailer with two other identical brand new trailers stacked on top of it. Would have taken a pic were it not for the fact that I was driving.

Glory Glory Halelujah. 

Great words. We can thank religion for a lot of great art. You don’t need to know the tune for that one. The words on their own are just stunning.

Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art

We sang that at both my grandmother’s and my mother’s funerals, the former in Welsh in Cefneithin and the latter in English in the Isle of Man. I now find it difficult to sing because of the memories it brings back. The hymn came out top in the Songs of Praise 2013 survey to find the nation’s 100 favourite hymns, fair play.

We were singing The Battle Hymn of the Republic in the Silver Bullet on the way over to Chester which is what made me remember to write this. That and Arglwydd, arwain trwy’r anialwch. Probs William Williams Pantycelyn’s best known hymn. We sang the words in English so that we could both sing together 🙂

We have sung songs in the car ever since I was a kid in Wales and we continued the practice with our own family. Our kids have great voices and we get some lovely harmonies. Not that we go on family trips in the car anymore. The Silver Bullet ain’t big enough.

One of my great pleasures in life is sitting in the front room listening to the kids play music together. Joe and John are particularly competent, both being jazz musicians. Hannah is a flautist and has a lovely voice.

Glory Glory Halelujah.

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